Chapter 5

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Early Bloomer

I walked down the stairway coming into view with Hermione and Ron arguing until they saw me with their pets in each hand. They smiled thanking me for catching their pets. "No problem now what are you guys fighting about?"

"This insufferable boy was claiming my cat was about to eat his rat, but if you ask me, Crookshanks here doesn't eat filthy shoe brushes!"

"Cat?! Is that what you're calling it?! It looks like a pig with random strands of hair glued to it!"

"(Y/n) can you just tell Ron that it isn't-- oh uh hm, (Y/n)?"


"Has your mother told you anything about you know...puberty?"

"Not really my dad has though...he was really weird about it"

Hermione puts down Crookshanks and rushes away I turn to Ron but he did the same as Hermione rushing off to who knows where. What the heck is happening?! "(Y/n) dear, is that you?"

I turned to the voice and it was Ron's family Mrs.Weasley smiled going in for a hug but stopped, "Oh I see you've grown!"

She smiled patting my shoulder. 'Mrs.Weasley, not you too!!' I shrugged looking off to the side I guess she noticed my worry since she asked me what's wrong.

"It's just that all my friends are saying "oh" and I don't know what the bloody hell they're talking about!"

I felt a little angry but it wasn't enough to make me go crazy like before. I just hate being left out confused. She just smiled throwing one of her giant scarfs over me taking me outside.

"Ginny dear, would you like to join us?"

"No thanks I'll be here with Dad"

Mrs.Weasly nodded taking me out to a weird-looking store with undergarments displayed everywhere. There was a small old lady sitting behind a desk writing down on papers.

"Hello, how can I help you today?"

"Hello! I'd like to get this child sized as you see she's an early bloomer"

The old lady nods taking out a measuring rope she takes off the scarf and you guessed it she said "oh" She began to tie the measuring rope around my chest from many angles. Mrs.Weasley patted my head going off to look at the clothing.

"Alright she's an A 32-34 rather an over early don't you think sweety? You're at least a month early"

I look down at my chest finally realizing why my friends said oh. I covered my chest walking up to Mrs.Weasley. She hands me a bunch of bras telling me to go try them on.

It was a bit confusing but I managed to attach the clips. I placed on my shirt noticing the difference it was a bit itchy but I'll manage.

I take off shirt but stopped when I heard a cash register going off. I peaked out surprised to see Mrs.Weasly paying for my bras. "No Mrs.Weasley it's fine I can pay for them"

"Don't worry dear I'm doing this as a thank you for taking care of Ginny as a sister"

"Are you sure?"

She nods playfully telling me to hurry up. I put on my shirt holding the 7 bras she got me I thanked her putting them in a bag. We thanked the old lady as we stepped out going back to the Leaky Cauldron.


"(Y/n) may I have a word with you?"

Mr.Weasley calls my name dragging me to corner asking me about what I've heard or well read in the daily profit, "Nothing much just a bunch of trolls going into Gringotts stealing the money and stuff"

"No no not that the other thing"

"The new drink in the Honeydukes Sweetshop? I swear people are confusing they say they want sweeter drinks but then they--"

"Not that either!"

He smiles up to a person who passes by us pushing me further away up to a stone wall with a bunch of wanted papers, "Of him! Sirius Black, (Y/n) I've already told Harry this and you can ask him later of what he thinks but I believe that this man is going to look for the both of you and kill you"

"What's new in my life Mr.Weasley everything wants to kill me even the forks at school"

"Wait what?--N-Nevermind anyways don't go looking for this man"

I nod walking off to the table with the family they greeted us serving some food around the table. Hermione sat next to me and whispered into my ear making me blush.

"I saw Mrs.Weasley taking you out I'm assuming you now know?"

"Y-Yeah but I feel weird about it, it's an extra undergarment I have to remember to wear and from now on I'm going to be wearing big sweaters after this"

"Easy Christmas present for you then"

We giggled going back and forth about well anything that came to our heads. We talked until it was time to head off to the train station. We gathered our stuff piling in the small car. This magical car really was deceiving for the naked eye.

It was a new one slightly better than the last one since well the boys *cough Harry and Ron cough* got their hands on the last one and we all know what happened to that poor car. I sat between Fred and George talking to them since it's been a while since I last talked to them.

They asked me about potions and if there's any that I know that can change a person's hair. I squinted my eyes at them as they tried giving me an innocent face. I mean come on it's the Weasley twins they're always up to no good.

I laughed giving in writing down the potion handing the sheet of paper I randomly had in my pocket with simple instructions on how to brew it and how much to give the person.

I swear if it's me they'll never hear the end of it. After an hour drive, we finally got to Kings Cross just in time for the wall to open. Hermione went in first then Ginny followed by me. Her parents followed behind me telling us to find a spot. The boys came in one by one Fred and George were at their bickering again and they almost fell in the train tracks...again. We went in looking for a spot every single compartment was taken.

"Here look there's only one person in here I think they're sleeping"

"Every other compartment is taken I'm sure he won't mind"

Hermione says tired of carrying her cat luckily for me I already took out Smoky from his cage he was peacefully sitting in my hoodie. I opened the door letting them in.

I noticed the suitcase with nice handwritten gold stitching on it. I assumed the name was the man here sleeping.

"I wonder who he is"

"Professor R. J. Lupin"

"How is it she knows everything"


I pointed up at the suitcase he oh'ed nodding. I giggled shaking my head, "Sometimes Ron you miss the biggest details in the universe"

"Shut up"

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