Chapter 13

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Bowtruckle Adventure

The end of the day has passed by like nothing and I must say I'm ready to jump a bridge. My friends told me about Sirius Black and where people are seeing him it's a bit unnerving to know there's a man hunting down Harry and I.

But by what I'm told we should be fine as long as there are Professors wherever we go. I walked up to Professor Lupins' class knocking I waited for a bit kicking the dust on the ground.

He opens it looking rather tired, "Ah (Y/n) I'll be with you in a bit go take your seat by my desk"

I nod entering the class going to the chair next to the desk he usually sits by. I drop my bag looking over the messy desk wondering how he gets anything done.

He comes back sitting down even though he looked tired he still smiled at me taking out a few sheets of paper sniffling then sneezing off to the side.

"Alright I'm tired to the bone so we're not going outside today and on Wednesday and Thursday this will be canceled I have too much paperwork due those days and starting to catch the flu"

I nod taking the paper he handed to me my jaw dropped it was a review sheet of everything we learned these past two weeks.

"It's not much so you'll be able to finish early"

He waves his hand smiling at me weirdly, within 30 minutes I finished the paper already growing bored since that's all he had for me today. We didn't talk much either since he was doing his own paperwork. I offered to help but he brushed me off saying that he's fine.

Are you kidding me this man looks like he's ready to face plant into the table and sleep for a year.

I laid my head on the table bored out of my mind. Yesterday was so much fun even though it ended up with me going crazy but still, I wish I can relive it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something green jump off a table to the ground. I turned to it curious as to what it is. I looked at Professor Lupin he was writing on a sheet of paper not really acknowledging my existence so I took the chance.

I slipped out of the chair walking around the class trying to find the thing I saw earlier. Professor Lupins' voice scared me when I was on the ground looking under the chairs.

"What are you doing?"

"I saw something move. It was green and tiny--AWE!!"

I found the creature that caught my eye, it was a little Bowtruckle running around freely. I laid my head next to the Bowtruckle that seemed to have snuck into the class without us knowing. Professor Lupin came up beside me squatting down to my level.

He chuckled ruffling my hair most likely amazed by how I'm so fascinated by the small creature because honestly I am it's so tiny and cute and I need it in my life!!

"Must be one of Hagrid's creatures seeing as how it's accustomed to wizard interactions"

"Let's go take it to his home!"

Professor Lupin hums shrugging his shoulders, "If you'd like you can do it yourself I'm just going to be here working on papers and I was going to let you out early anyways" I sat up on my knees thinking about it.

"Okay I'll be off then, hope you feel better Professor!"

I grab the Bowtruckle setting it on my left shoulder standing up. I pick up my bag leaving the tired Professor and left the class. I messed around with the Bowtruckle giggling at how playful it is. At this point, I don't even want to return him.

I exit the castle with the Bowtruckle on my head grabbing strands of my hair messing around with it. I reach Hagrid's home knocking on it I hear a bark and a loud thud against the door. I hear Hagrid gasps stomping closer opening the door.

Fang races out jumping on me barking loudly licking my face, "Fang! Fang stop! Merlin Hagrid help!"

I laugh trying to push the giant dog off Hagrid chuckles getting Fang off helping me up asking why I've come to his home, "There was a Bowtruckle that snuck into Professor Lupins class, he had a feeling it was one of yours since it was very friendly once it saw me"

I pick up the Bowtruckle that was by my feet showing it to Hagrid. He bends down smiling at the creature, "Yup sure is! He's always getting out of his cage searching for anyone to play with"

I smiled at the creature handing it to Hagrid, "Hurry inside now people are starting to head out to Dinner"

I nod heading back inside to my shared dorm room to leave my stuff. I looked at Smoky's empty cage sighing. Where did he go now? I saw him this morning. I filled his bowl with his favorite food hoping he'll be back once dinner is over.

I left the room bumping into Parkinson she had a bit of fear in her eyes but nonetheless glared at me. I just waved asking what's up, "Don't talk to me like a normal person you beast"

"Beast? I mean I'm pretty rough when it comes to horseplay and Quidditch but I wouldn't-"

"No, you idiot you're just a Beast waiting to hurt anyone when someone hurts your feelings"

"We'll if you hit my soft points then yeah I'll hurt anyone in general, you Pug"

She gasped glaring at me, "Hope the next time you turn you regret it and one more thing I'm moving out of the dorm room"

"Finally a spot for our pets have a good life Pug Parkinson"

I walked away touching my necklace I thought about what she said and she's right this stupid curse is connected to my feelings making me sensitive. I should talk to Professor Lupin about this he is a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor surely he'd have an idea to have some sort of control over this.


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