Chapter 8

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I Refuse!

After the sorting, Dumbledore did his usual introduction to the new school year. We clapped shouting happily. I don't know why but for some reason Malfoy had the audacity to sit next to me as if nothing ever happened.

"Potter is it true you fainted?"

"Shut up is it true you got beaten by (Y/n)?"

I smacked the back of Malfoy's head still pretty pissed off by his actions of earlier. He looked back at me frowning but stopped as soon as he saw my pissed off face.

"First I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J.Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Good luck Professor"

We clapped at the new professor that we know deep down is going to run away as soon as the year ends. Malfoy once again tried to mock Harry but like before I smacked him in the head getting him to stop.

"Our Care for Magical Creatures teacher has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs, fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than, Rubeus Hagrid"

Hagrid got up moving the table tipping over everything that was once on it, the Gryffindor table was most excited than any of the other tables, but I clapped just as loud as them.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note at the request of the Ministry of Magic Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such a time as Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. They will not interrupt our time of studies and I must warn you it is not in the nature of a dementor to be so forgiving. But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light now let us start the feast, (Y/n) (L/n) I'd like to speak to you for a moment"

Dumbledore waved his hand over the tables as everyone got their food. I got up walking to the Professor's tables thinking of how much in trouble I'll be in for almost killing Malfoy.

I step up the small steps standing in front of Dumbledore as he sat down smiling up at me.

"I heard you had an event on the way here on the train"

I nodded apologizing for it cupping my hands over my stomach as it turned with nerves."It's fine, it's not like you can control it either I also heard you were given something by a dementor?"

"Yes it touched my face and dropped this"

I was about to take off the necklace but he stopped me saying he could see it from there. He hummed shaking his head, "Well my dear I don't know why was the reason this dementor gave you this crystal never the less the Adularia Moonstone Quartz they're rare in the wizarding world this only ever happens by chance"

I nodded touching the crystal still pondering over this dementor. "I see your veins also haven't disappeared you can go to Madam Pomfrey after dinner, okay? I would have Faux spare you some of his tears but he's currently migrating for a mate, my apologies. Now go to your friends and I mean the real friends your plate is waiting"

"That's okay Professor Dumbledore and thank you"

I took a small glance at Professor Lupin walking back to the tables squishing in between Harry and Ron. They smiled giving me a hug as the plate appeared in front of me. We ate and laughed at small jokes that came out of nowhere.

✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Dinner was over and we all headed to our dorms except for me. I headed to Madam Pomfrey knocking on her door. It took a while but she opened it and sighed tiredly already with just seeing me.


"Go sit down I'll tend to you in a bit"

I head inside sitting down on the familiar bed looking out the windows. Madam Pomfrey went around cleaning and finally came to me, "Alright it's your eyes again isn't it?"

I nod pointing at the veins, "My eyes are back to normal but the veins are still on me"

"Hm let me see"

She grabs my face examining the veins shaking her head, "I have one potion that can help but I don't know if it'll work"

"I'm up for anything that can get rid of these"

I pointed at the veins she nods going off to find the potion I'm assuming she's grabbing and came back in minutes. She hands me a vile with a small note on it "Wound Cleaning"

I opened it gaging at the scent "Ugh no I refuse"

"Drink it"

"No, it smells gross"

"Drink it or don't come back here when you are broken up again from Quidditch"


I drink the vile gagging until it finished we waited for a minute and nothing happened the veins were still there looking absolutely disgustingly ugly.

"I'm sorry I'll look for anything that will help"

"Thank you goodnight"

I left walking to the southern common room feeling horrible.

'Why? Why me? I hate being alive right now. Calm down (Y/n) the crystal can only do so much'

I'm so lost in thought I walked past a person without noticing their presence.

"(L/n) I thought you were to be with Madam Pomfrey to remove those marks"

"Oh, Professor Snape! Uh yeah I was just there but her potion didn't work"

I scratched my head laughing nervously feeling tears start to pool on my eyes, "Take those unnecessary tears off your face and follow me"

I followed Professor Snape down to the dungeons to his class. He unlocked the room telling me to sit down, he unlocks a cabinet taking out ingredients turning on a cauldron stand. His back was towards me brewing a potion.

I quietly walked up behind him peeking over his shoulder startling him, "I thought I told you to sit over there"

"I got curious...what are you making?"

"I'm brewing a Wound Cleaning potion-"

"But Madam Pomfrey already tried that and it didn't work--"

"I know I'm brewing a stronger version of it the ones she has are for outside scarings yours are inside"

I watched Professor Snape continue to brew the potion, it took an hour for it to be finished and it was way past my curfew but I guess it was okay if I was with a Professor, right?

"Grab a small vile"

I went to the cabinet handing him the vile he pours a small amount swishing it around causing it to change color, "There drink it"

I drank the disturbing liquid coughing at the taste. He holds up a clean cup with my reflection on it, the black veins started to disappear slowly surely change back. I touched my face no longer feeling the veins.

"They're gone! Thank you! Should've just gone to you, Professor Snape"

"Yes well it annoyed me seeing my star student in such a state"

"Oh did I just hear favoritism?" I grinned at the sour-faced Professor as he huffed shooing me out of his class.

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