Chapter 24

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Don't Mind

"Th-that is true...yes but the normality of this is beyond magic"

He taps his chin glancing at me every now and then. I sat on the leaf-covered floor running my tongue over my new sharp teeth. Professor Lupin mumbled reading the parchment paper before sighing heavily sulking, "I... Believe we're going to have to show this to Dumbledore"

The way he said that didn't settle well with me, I slowly got up questioning why. He hesitated for a bit sighing again, "Because for once in my life I don't know how to help a person. I'm sorry I really am--t-this curse makes no sense! Dumbledore asked me to find a way to help you! And I tried my best but as far as we've gone it's led to this!"

He gestures to my mouth stressfully growing quiet, I pressed my lips together thinking over this situation. I silently sighed standing up clapping my hands twice. This got his attention as I smiled warmly, "Don't mind! I'm sure a solution will show up eventually, stress is bad for your health so let's forget this whole thing for a while yeah?"

I offer his glossy eyes widen a bit letting out a short chuckle nodding, "Yeah, sorry for... Stressing out"

"That's okay, Ron always freaks out whenever something inconvenient occurs"

He laughs again straightening up folding the parchment paper stuffing it in his pocket checking his watch, "Lunch should be starting any minute"

He grinned stuffing his hands in his pockets leading the way back. The path back was eerily quiet but it was comfortable until he spoke staring up at the trees, "You're an interesting student I've ever met, you remind me of a close friend I've been with in Hogwarts"

"Really? Were they cursed?"

I asked kicking a small rock, Professor Lupin shook his head rubbing his chin appearing as if he was having a flashback of the person. He smiled shaking his head again, "Fortunately no, she always knew how to calm my nerves. Believe it or not but I was a very nervous person back then, I was lucky to have her around during those times"

"Sounds like she was kind"

"Oh yes she was, although she was quite scary when someone angered her"

He chuckled telling me a short story of his old friend, I listened closely laughing along with his story of her beating people up in the train, "Wait so the giant hole in one of the compartments was because of her?!"

"Mhm after that day we knew not to take her skirts and "Play Fashion", I'm surprised they never fixed it"

"They said the curse in the damage was permanent and they just put a picture over it"

I commented remembering the first time I saw it. Fred told me about the Professors trying to fix the damages but it was unfixable thanks to the curse used in it. The more you know. When we got to the Great Hall Professor Lupin dismissed himself saying that he has some things to study on. I had a feeling it has something to do with the curse, as much as I appreciate the dedication of his work I also don't want to see him burn out over something so complicated.

"Have a good evening (L/n)"

"You too Professor"

I waved to him watching him turn the corner leaving me to myself and the slightly open large doors. I took a deep breath not knowing what I'm going to expect out of this whole ordeal, but as I said before to Professor Lupin. Don't worry. I push open the door closing it softly behind me,"(Y/n), there you are we were starting to think about going out to look for you"

Hermione called out when I entered the large room, I smiled at her apologizing for the small scare I caused. Harry waved his hand saying I shouldn't apologize for taking time on my own, "Sometimes being alone is needed for some people"

"Oh well look at you being all-wise with words, huh Harry. Did someone finally knock some books in that empty head of yours?"

"Ha Ha very funny... Solid Wall"

I squint my eyes at him pointing my finger at him, "No. I said it last time that nickname is not sticking around, Harry I swear to both Godrick and Salazar I will feed you to Smoky if you make it a thing here"

He just smiled showing off his pearly whites acting all innocent, meanwhile, Hermione and Ron were both holding in their laughs. I point at them too as a warning pursing my lips, "Not.Again. Got it?"


There was a silence between all of us until both Harry and Ron got up at the same time, "Solid Wall!"

━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━

"And what exactly happened?"

"We... we um...we tripped on the moving stairs"

Madam Pomfrey hummed walking away after handing Harry and Ron a cup of Honey Healing. I glared at the two who whispered "Worth it" I rolled my eyes shaking my head. It makes me wonder how we came to be friends, after they healed we left meeting with Hermione giving them a disapproving gaze," She did warn you"

"Oh come on it was tempting"

"Yeah, also we weren't expecting her to tackle us on the stairs we were so close to the Fat Lady Painting"

Ron groaned stretching his arms up hearing a soft pop in his bones, the moment they booked it out of the Great Hall I knew they were going to try and hide in the Gryffindor Tower so I found a shortcut and cut them off on the stairway. Yes I know that's dangerous but at the same time I was angry and I wanted my short painfully yet rewarding revenge.

I was kind enough to carry both of them to Madam Pomfrey's office surprisingly for two boys who eat as if the world is coming to an end they're surprisingly light...or maybe I'm strong enough to carry them. 

"How'd you manage to beat us at the stairway anyway?"

Ron asked I shrugged not in the mood to tell them my thought process, so I shortened it to, "I just know the castle well enough"

They oh'd making our way to the stairway where I tackled them, "Every time I come to these stairs I'll remember the time I got tackled by (Y/n)"

"Man, now I know how Malfoy felt when you tackled him"

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