Chapter 11

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"Mhm go on they're more violent as the night approaches so might want to get a move on"

"Professor Lupin its the Afternoon"

I sighed knowing I can't get out of this I take off my shoes and socks along with my cloak rolling up my sleeves. I quietly whined at the cold water stopping at the knee level. Professor Lupin stood on the boardwalk telling me not to worry, I won't die... Thanks.

"Oh this is ridiculous I could be doing something productive"

"All you have to do is catch one look I'll help you"

He takes his shoes off then his socks and without a thought, he jumped in the wave he created threw me off making me fall in.


I was so happy I had an extra shirt under, my uniform stuck to me as I shivered. Professor Lupin came up to me laughing his hair was stuck to his face and his clothes were dragged down.

"You're a crazy man, you know that"

"Come on you're fine, look they're crowding over here"

He grabbed my hand leading me deeper in the lake I held his arm to keep me up since I couldn't feel the rocks anymore.

"Look there's an easy one"

I mentally screamed slowly swimming up to it I turned to Professor Lupin he gave me a thumbs up. I faced the Grindylow but it disappeared I looked around wondering where it went.

"It's go-Ah"

The grindylow grabbed my leg dragging me deeper. More grindylows started to join in until they surrounded me. I take out my wand stinging them one by one but there were just too many of them. I let out my breath still struggling but there was no use I started to punch the creatures as if that works.

Suddenly they all just let go floating away. I looked up it was Professor Lupin he must have stung them all with a stronger stringer spell he reached down grabbing my hand swimming up.

Before we swam any further I grabbed a small thing making it back to the shore. I coughed throwing up water Professor Lupin apologized saying that that was a stupid idea. "Oh Merlin Dumbledore is going to kill me"

I laughed still coughing, sitting down. I took deep breathes looking up at the terrified Professor. "Forget about catching the Grindylow we'll do this another time when you're ready"

"There's no way I'm getting back in there, here"

I picked up the Grindylow I dragged out surprising him. His jaw dropped grabbing the Grindylow on its tentacles watching the creature wriggle around, "When did you grab it? I don't remember you grabbing one"

"I grabbed it after you stung them all"

I got up stumbling over trembling at the cold air. The sun was setting down the Grindylow in Professor Lupins' hands growled trying to bite his arm but couldn't reach. "It's dinner time Professor"

"Alright let's go eat"

I picked up my stuff and we walked back to the castle getting stares from others. I nervously laughed when Harry, Ron, and Hermione came up to me asking why I was soaked, "I was on an adventure with Professor Lupin"

Professor Lupin chuckles patting my head holding up the Grindylow to their faces. Ron fainted at the sight of the ugly water creature making us laugh. "It was... Interesting. Right well I'm going to leave this in the class you go off and dry up for dinner"

I nodded saying bye to everyone going off to my dorm. I bumped into a few classmates asking me what happened I told them the same as what I told my friends. I went up to my dorm room setting up new clothes and readied a shower.

✯¸.•´*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"Hey (Y/n) where's your necklace?"


I looked down noticing my necklace with the crystal wasn't on me. I felt my heart dropped. I looked around the table not finding it anywhere.

"Oh no, where is it?!"

The Slytherin students got up looking around. I began to think where it could possibly be, it wasn't in the Great Hall. I ran out back to the dorms looking everywhere but it wasn't there either.

"(L/n) what the hell was that?" Parkinson walked in slamming the door open. I ignored her looking under the bed going to the bathroom. I ran out bumping into her. "What are you even looking for?"

"I lost my necklace-"

"Oh that ugly thing you call a necklace good riddance it was a poor set of jewelry anyways"

"It's not ugly and I suggest you watch your mouth"

I took deep breathes calming myself down but she kept at it picking at me. Comment after comment she made horrible complaints about the necklace my mum gave me, "Honestly grow up it's just a necklace"

"IT'S NOT--its not just a necklace it had a crystal on it that prevents me from going mad"

"Mad? As in pissed off mad, that's just ridiculous get a hold of yourself"

My chest began to hurt I dropped to my knees feeling the anger course through me like on the train. "God you're so pathetic get a life, those friends of yours are turning you into an attention whore--"

"Stop! Just shut up!"

I looked up at her, she hitched stepping back, "What the hell is happening to your face?!"

"Get a-Professor"

She ran out screaming for a professor I clenched at the fuzzy rug dropping tears. "Fuck! This hurts!"

I tried to laugh the pain off but that just made me look crazy. I heard footsteps running up the stairs bursting into the room, "(Y/n)! Don't worry-"

Narrators pov:

(Y/n) fell to the ground her eyes were closed. Dumbledore told the Professors to wait he walked up to the unconscious student. He squatted down rubbing her back not receiving any answer.

"Headmaster I thought she would be fine with the Crystal"

"I'm sure she would've too but she's not wearing it, Professor Snape"

"That probably explains her sudden reaction at dinner in the Great Hall, she must have come here to look for it"

McGonagall says covering her mouth Snape walked up to (Y/n) lifting her hand and dropped it, "I suggest we move her to the Hospital Wing before she wakes up and tries to hunt the student that angered her"

Professor Lupin stood by the doorway feeling guilty. He left before any of the Professors can stop him from going back to the Black Lake.

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