Wedding (Ch. 20)

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I heard Nash and Matt talking about not goin got NC. Then i heard something about a propsal from Matts mouth. Then Nash sighs. Then i see Matts shoes turn towards the curtain. I sprint towards my seat. But he caught me.

"BLAKE! Get the fuck back over here..." He said with his finger pointing to the ground in front of him.

"UUUGGGGGHHHHH!" I yell reall loud. I hear Taylor moan and i whisper to Matt. "She must get that from every late night..." Oh gosh that is good but he might kick my ass....but i will kick his harder.

"Oh shut the hell up and get your ass over here." He said to me in a loud whisper.

"Fineeee!" l i was just making fun of moaning. I got up from my seat. But when i did I saw Ethans phone light up. Someone was calling him. The contact was an un-named contact.

"Hold up Matt. Let me answer his phonee." I say he gives me a confused look and then just lays his back up against the wall.

(UN is the unknown caller....B is Blake)

UN- Hey baby? Wanna come over tonight? Or are you hanging out with that slut Blake....or whatever her name is?

B- Excuse me?? I am not a slut...slut!!! You can either hang up right now or i will track you down and beat you to it?


B- Nigga i aint fucking wit you........good byw mother fucker....

UN- I-------

(conversation done with.)

I hear Hayes and Matthew and Nash in the background say ing OOOOOOO and i felt Ethan waking up. I slapped him across the face.

"What the fuck was thta for Blake?" He said in his morning aint even that sexy anymore!!

"You tell me? Have you been cheating on me? Tell me the truth!!" I yelled. By then all of the MAGCON boys were all awake...even Taylor.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked me.

"I was about to talk to Matthew when i saw your phone going off. An unknown contact concerned me so i answered it. Then i heard 'What's up baby? Wanna come over tonight? Or are you still hanging out with that slut Blake or whatever her name is.' " I tried to mock her slutty voice.

"Blake i can explain!" He said getting up to hold both my arms.

"Oh really? You can explain every last detail why you decided to cheat on me....your fucking girlfriend??? You better have some gooooddd word comin out of your mouth or imma go all white sharkisha on you!!" I yell. I take out my earrings and hand them to Taylor. Shit is about to get reeeaaalll!

"You werent giving me the love i deserved!!" He yelled in my face. AWE HEEELLLL TOO THE FUCKING NAAAHHH!!!

" have 3 seconds before your pretty little gonne get jacked up into a scattered mess!" I say while pointing a finger in his face.

"1!" I yelled.

"I should call the cops on you. You are crazy!" He yelled.

"2!" I yelled again.

"Shit..." He whispered. He put his hands up for blocking.

"3!" I yelled. I cocked my arm back and sai dto him...

"Bitch....Youre my ex now...i should be up on you......immm sit......hmmmm righ tnext to Taylor Canniff." I said. I got up and i sat right next to Taylor. So much better now that that got i just have to hear what Matthew has to say.....

"I can't tell you now she is a awake....." I hear Matthew say.

"Wait...What the fuck is this??" Taylor Hope said....aka my 'sister'.

"NOTHINGGGGG!!" I yell while cuddling up to Taylor.

I guess i will have to hear about it in awhile.... But right this minute imma sleep. Someone woke my ass up at 6 for no fucking reason!!!

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now