The Finish Line(Ch. 23?)

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Its like four in the morning and i slip out of bed without Taylor knowing. I go to the hospital and check on the baby.

"How is she??" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Whats your name?" The doctor asked me.

"Matthew Lee fiance gave birth to a baby girl just like 5 hours ago and they took my baby somewhere to get her lungs checked out..." I said with my hands moving all around explaining the situatuon.

"What is the fiances name?" The doctor asked.....she is getting on my nerves.

"Taylor Renee Hope....."

"Ok follow me!!" She said....thank you Lord.

We walked into the room....and there my baby girl was. But she wasnt breathing. I looked up to the doctors standing around her on the table. They were shaking their heads no. What? No....this.....fuck.....what am i gonna tell Taylor....

Speaking of the birth giver.....i got a text from her.

Bae- Hey where are you babe??

Matthew- At my moms was a family emergancy.

Bae- Oh...ok sweetie. Just wondering where you were and just hoping that you didnt get kidnapped! Love you!!

Matthew- Love you too honey....get some sleep. Youll need it....goodnight!!

I had to lie to her. If i didnt she would have gotten suspisious. And she figures stuff out when she is.

The baby dead on a table in the hospital was the last thing i was wishing for. Its going to kill Taylor when i tell her.....she is going to want a funeral.....

With all the thoughts going on in my head i walk out in the hallway and put hanfs on my head and cry. I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands. This sucks. I dont want to run away from it either. I decide im going to ask Nash for advise.

Ring ring ring

Nash- Yello??

Matthew- I need advise.

Nash- Good morning to you too!! And what for??

Matthew- The baby....uhhh

Nash- The babys dead?!?! Matthew what the fuck are you going to tell Taylor?!?

Matthew- Thats the reason i called you Nash!!

Nash- Dude i dont know what you thought i was going to say because im on the fucking erge of crying....

Matthew- Shit man!!! I dont know what the hell is going to happen!! I think shes going to call the wedding off and everything is going to be ruined!!! Shit man!!!! Shit shit shit shit!!

Nash- Dude calm--

Matthew- I love her! Nash bro....i just dont want her to be crushed.....not even heartbroken. I want her to be happy!!

Nash- I--I think you need to tell her. Go home and tell her how much you love her....tell her that the baby is in memory. And that she will have more and more to come and that she can be fat every fucking day if she wants the experience of rubbing her stomach with her fingers and you talking to the baby in her stomach!! Tell her.....youll never leave her....ever!! I have to go man but i wish you the keeping yall in prayer!!

Just like that the call was ended. He was right. Im going home right now.

As im driving down the highway....every stopsign down the road has my name on it.
But then one said
Then everything went black....


I got a text from the hospital baby was dead....even worse.....Matthew.....hes on a life extending chord. They unplug that chord....hes hearts love for anyone else is gone. I get in the car a drove in silence the whole way to the hospital and i walked in and said matthews name....

I walked in and said
"If youre dying with you. I love you Matthew. See you up there...."

I went into the bathroom and wrote a letter on a piece of tissue that read::

I left the door open slightly to you can see my dead body on the floor. I meant to 'slip' and fall on my knife into my stomach. But i did cut my wrists first. I will not let Matthew be alone up there. I he dies.....i die with him.

Just like that i slip it under the door. I cry uncontrollably. Anf start to cut my wrists,my thighs, even my calves. Then the huge part for my stomach. I was to dizzy at the point from losing blood in my cuts....but i got the knife in my stomach. I fell on the floor in my puddle of blood. Then everything went. Pitch black.

Thanks North Carolina for the big dreams.

I love you Matthew .

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now