What Just Happened (Ch.9)

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I saw my contact was just Taylor❤ but the other on caught my eye.

Who the hell is this Sam chick?! Her contact was Sam❤!! I'm a bit jealous. I went to go check through their messages:

from Matthew - Hey babe wyd??

from Sam- Nothing! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall today?? I wanna have a little fun!

from Matthew- Yeah. Let me get dressed and tell my sister that we are going to the mall we will meet up then.

OH HELL NAH!!!! HE DID NOT JUST CALL ME HIS SISTER!! I might sound crazy but this shouldn't be happening between us. He just said he loved me this morning and I'm living with him...he's not living with her anytime soon!

These were sent this morning so that meant we were going to the mall instead the movies. He is trying to make us late! I do love him and all but this is not going to affect us!!!

He was walking towards the car so I quickly exited out of messages and cleared it from his history and set it down on his seat. I then got on my phone so he would think I was on mine this while time.

"Hey babe. We can't make it to the movie. I think it already started." He said with nervousness in his voice. Yet he doesn't know when the movies starts so that isn't true.

"No. The movie starts at 3. But right now it is 2:40. So we won't miss it." I said rubbing his arm.

He gave me a confused look and than started to drive off to the Cinemark.

We parked and the time was now 2:45. we only lived 5 minutes away so that was a score!! He got out and started walking without me. I then got out and sped walked up to him and said, "What's wrong babe? You okay?"

"No. Can we go back home. I need to tell you something." He said sternly.

So we got back in the car and than went home.

"So why did we miss the movie for??" I said acting like a baby.

"Turn around so I can put this blindfold on you." He said in a mad voice.

I gave him the why are you doing this look and he just gave me the you fucking know just stop acting like you don't look.

It was a long walk I started to get worried. He couldn't see me so I started to cry. This wasn't no light crying I was bawling my eyes out! What the hell was he doing to me?!

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now