I Know It's Time (ch.8)

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**Matts pov**

I woke up with Taylor still on my chest. She had her long blond hair down her back. I decided to play with it. She slowly started to snuggle up with me because to be honest it was cold in the house.

"Matthew why did you ask me to live with you???" She asked while having her eyes shut. I think she was sleeptalking.

"Because someday...I'll want to spend the rest of my life with you. and someday I wanna meet the little Taylor. I love you that's why." I said all that because I 'thought' she was asleep.

"Oh my gosh Matthew!  That is the most sweetest thing anyone said to me!! I live you to!!" She said jumping up scaring me.

I kissed her whenever she stopped jumping and she sat on my lap. I put my hands around her waist making he hands cup my face. I loved this girl. I just don't know if it is right to tell her something that might hurt her so bad.

**Taylor's pov**

I was going to the bathroom after the make out session with Matt. He loved me?? Wow that sounded like a lie! Ha just kidding I love him too its just that I know he's hiding something and I know he thinks I'll get hurt. I just hope he's not cheating on me.

"Hey Matt wanna go to the movies with me? I'm super bored and you're the on living with me soo do you?" I asked in one big breath.

"Yeah sure let me take a shower and get ready." He said while getting up.

I didn't really need a shower because I took one last night. So since he got in the shower I went to the dresser and picked out a hot pink crop top and some light blue bootie shorts. after I put that on I put sparkled flip flops on to match. I then curled my tips of my hair. I looked in the mirror and I didn't look flawless...but I looked decent.

Matt came out of the bathroom and was on his phone texting and I saw a smirk form on his face.

"Who ya texting?" I asked all curious since I was.

"No one! So what are we seeing?" He quickly changed the subject. I swear if I could I would grab his phone and look through the messages but that wouldn't be nice....

"Exudes! I heard it was a good and intense movie." I said while almost yelling.

"Cool! Well let's go."

We went out to the car and we got in.

"Shit I forgot my keys! I'll be right back!"

He left his phone and thankfully I knew his password. He was walking to get it so I quickly unlocked his phone and got on his messages. I found my contact was just Taylor❤ but this other one caught my eye.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now