The Explination

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I turned around to see a girl with a towel around her head and baggy pajamas.

"What the hell happened?!?! Are you fucking bleeding????" I asked while running towards her and calling hayes at the same time.

"You know when I said nothing was up when we were on our way here?? It became bigger... My ex boyfriend Jase he kinda.....well its a freaking long story.....When we were dating....he only wanted my body....he has my number....and you know that iPhone tracker app? Well he tracked me down and he said he's watching my every move!!!" She said crying into my arms.

O my fucking gosh! Can j see who this dude is please?? You seriously shouldn't hurt her or haha I'll probably hurt you worse!

"Don't worry baby its okay! Calm down. I'll protect you! Just stay with me okay? Don't let anyone touch you unless you know they aren't gonna hurt you okay?? Your fucking too important to me to be Lost or dead!! okay?? I love know that. I will never let anyone hurt you."

After all of that we went to sleep. her head was on top of my chest and my arm was rapped around her. I love her too fucking much for any Jase guy to be messing with her.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now