What the Hell Happened??

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Hayes and Nash were coming home with em because they were staying with me the whole summer.

We are almost there and the seating arrangements in the car kind of bothered me.

Hayes is in love with Taylor. He told me. Nash was by the window, I was sitting next to him, Taylor was sitting next to me, and Hayes was sitting next to Taylor.

"Hey Matt?" Taylor asked as she got up.

"Yeah bae?" I replied to her with a sweet tone.

"What would you do if I dissapeared?"

"I would look for you until I reach the edges of the earth."

Since me and Taylor were both 18 we kind of already graduated. Idk if I wanted to ask her a big question like move in with me this soon... but it slipped out.

"Hey Taylor since me and you already graduated.....I'm getting a place of my own when we get back....and I don't wanna be alone....would you like to live with me????" I asked really fast. you could tell I was nervous.

"Yeah I'll ask my mom!" She said while kissing me.


mom matt just asked me to live with him since withe both graduated already... can i?

Sweety only if you want to you can...but I probably won't be in touch. I am going to move to Alaska and I would probably have no cell service. Love you sweety bye! !

bye mom love ya!! thanks btw!!


"SHE HE SAID YES!!!!!" She yelled excitedly. But with sadness in her face.

"What's wrong I thought you'd be excited...." I asked politely.

"My mom was just gonna leave me here even if she said I couldn't move in with you!" She said while crying.

"Well it's fine. ..you have me now. And I'll never leave your side. "

**north carolina**

As she got her stuff packed and ready to go she got in the car and we got to my new house. But the first thing when we got in there was kiss. And kiss. And would not stop kissing. Haha I think she A LITTLE bit happy.

After we got every thing set up and good to sleep on....she said....

"I have to take a shower or I'll die!" She said while laughing.

"Okay!" I yelled back and made out with her for a minute.

after kissing I heard a knock on the door. It was Hayes!

"What's up bro?? Nice house. Well you finally got a place to your own....but it doesn't have to be just you it could be you and me!!!!" He said really shocked.

"I'm not alone dickhead! " I said while lauging and letting him hear Taylor singing in the shower.  His jaw dropped as if he had saw his mom get shot.

"Woah you gotta total babe!!! Your lucky!" He said while leaving.

"YOU DAMN STRAIGHT GRIER!!!" I said while yelling off the porch.

I turned around to a girl crying in a towel in baggy pajamas.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now