Someone Died... (Ch. 21)

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We got off the plane about 3 hours ago and we are at our hotel room now. But there is only one bed per room so it's just me and Matt, Taylor and Blake, Lily and Hayes (who knows what they will do), Jack G. and Tia, Cam and Jessica, Jack J. and Lauren, Nash and Mahogany (they're just friends...i hope....).

I fall asleep on top of Matts chest to the sound of his heart, and the movement of his chest.

It's about 3 o'clock in the morning and i hear my phone going off....i remembered i turned my volume down yesterday for some reason. I looked at my screen and i saw that i had 9 missed calls. From my mom. "Damn mom..." I whispered really quiet... I slowly got off of Matt and went into the hallway and called her back.

Mom do you know it's like 3 in the morning?

Yes sweetie but your dad had a very bad heart attack during the night and I'm at the hospital right now i the lobby...I need Matthew to drive you to the airport and for you to get on the earliest flight to Texas as possible...I want you to see him if he doesn't make it.

Oh...Uhm..o-ok mom I'll wake him up...

I was in tears. I ended the call without even saying i love you to her. I couldnt go through another death. My twin sister was bad enough that i still have nightmares about her. 


I was asleep in my bed and it was 12 in the morning. I was 12 years old. My mom came bursting through my door with Clarity my sister. My sister was dangling in my moms arms with her mouth hanging open. I bolted up to the sounds of balling from my mom. Her tears were streaming down her face.

"Honey i need you to let her lay here for a second." My mom said as she ran downstairs to the phone.

I looked at her very closely and i poked her around a bit. Nothing. I put my head on her heartbeat. My mind was going nuts at that moment. I started to cry on her stomache and said

"Clarity wake up! Clarity i have your blueberry pancakes ready!! Clarity!!!!" I kept yelling her name over and over until my voice dies down to a whisper with whimpers in the middle of the sentences.

I heard sirens coming down the road and pulling into the driveway. Footsteps running up the staircase. Taking my sister from my arms noticing her lifeless body and telling my mom. She sat there arms crossed. Shaking her head in approval. And little tears trickled down her pale face. They left with my mom in the back of the ambulance and me still in my room crying and my dad asleep crying very silent to himself. But to loud for me to hear.

My mom came back home two days later and said that Clarity is gone and that the funeral will be in 1 week.

We were at the funeral. I ran up to the casket and put a rose and a picture of us at Disney World hugging Cinderella. I cried and said to her lifeless body, "Clarity....i love you. I wanted you to know that. I didn't want you to leave me as quick as you did. I want you to know that everything i do i want you to approve of. I will even meet MAGCON for you and tell Matthew and Hayes hi for you. I just want you to know that you are in a better place now..away from all the nasty people and the nasty world. Rest in peace Clarity.....We will all miss you."

We then figured out that she had, had a very horrible heart attack and she couldnt do anything about it but bolt up and then pass out. She couldnt wake up do to the damage of the brain cells and the heart. We were in mourn for about 5 months until dad got a promotion. And we moved to Austin Texas. And it all wen tup from there.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now