A new house....is mine? (Ch. 22)

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Sorry i havent updated but i have been busy with life i guess....well i thank you all for the reads and the favorites or votes......please vote more....that would be amazing! Okay now back to this interesting chapter!!


I remember when we first met. On the side of the highway at 2 am. Taylor was shy and excited. Same age, but now firghtened and running from a lot of things in life. I wish i was a boyfriend to keep her safe. But no, i am stupid and i am not there in situations like what just happened. I feel so ashamed of myself.

It was 9 at night and i was tired from conferting Taylor while watching spongebob on tv. She had a long sleeve shirt on when it felt like it was 80 degrees in the room. I practically had to take off my shirt around the room.

Silence. For hours. I dont know why but it was. I broke it though after the first hour.

"Are you okay? It seems like you hate my guts." I say with my head down. Did i mension she also had booty shorts on too?

She looked back at me jumped up and sat on my lap and lifted my head up with her finger.

"You know i love you." She kissed me then rested her head on my forehead. "I always will." Then she got off me and layed down and layed her head on my chest and i felt her go to sleep. Really quick.

"I love you too." I whispered to the Taylor who was mine on my chest. I felt her come closer to me. I put my arm around her and i kissed her head.


It was 2 months into my pregnancy and stuff. I wasnt feeling great...but i felt good enough to sleep with my boyfriend that sat there for an hour rubbing my back. He seemed pissed. I faked going to sleep and i cuddled up to his side. I heard him say "I love you too" I smirked and i fell asleep for real. This night was scary and perfect at the very end.


I should've been there for Taylor when Matthew wasn't. What a dick move. He said "he needed time"? What the fuck. You aint supposed to say that to your girlfriend. That is fucked up honestly. I seriously need to get some sleep if i am going to tell him off tomorrow.


I am glad that Matthew and Taylor made up and that Matthew texted me the whole situation and that i planned out a date and time on how he is going to pro- i have said to much? Yes...yes i have. Forget i said anything. I am just going to go back to singing my new song ' A little to much'!

**The next day Matthews POV**

Last night Shawn helped plan out the perfect date for Taylor. I am going to take her to the park and i am going to cimb into this old tree house and up there is going to be a little picnic and then we are going to go to the beach and then we are going to go to a restaraunt after at night for dinner. Then i will plan out the perfect movie to watch to fall asleep too. But right now i have to look for something special if this day is going to go how i want it to.

I wake up and then I shake Taylor up and tell her to get ready.

I put on some shorts and a polo hot pink shirt that Taylor picked out at American Eagle. I put crew socks on and then my black vans. I sprayed my Michael Jordan calone on and then i put gel in my hair and spiked it in front.

Taylor came out of the bathroom with ripped light wash booty shorts on and an American flag t shirt with white vans. Her hair was braided to the side in a fishtail braid....i dont know how to explain her insainly beautiful make up is.

We walked out to Taylors Lambergini he is letting me borrow. I turned on the radio and i heard shawns song 'Something Big' come on. Taylor started to sing with her amazing voice...im surprised that she hasnt told any one about it... Even Shawn!

We got out of the car and i took her hand and pulled her to the treehouse and i helped her up the stairtcase. She is still pregnant so i have to be careful and slow. She saw the picnic and she said something like...

"Matthew....did you do this?" I shook my head because i was nervouse that she wouldnt like it. I was playing with the black box i had in my pocket for at the restaraunt.

We got done with the picnic and just started to walk around the park for a good 30 minutes. Then we were on our way back to the hotel so we can get in our swimsuits for the beach.

We got our swimsuits on and we were on our way to the beach which is 15 minutes away. Taylor put her towel on the sand and layed down. I thought for minute and then i picked her up bridal style and i ran over to the water i stopped at the shoreline because i saw a dorsal fin. I out her down on her feet and i told her to hold on. I took a good look of what dorsal fin it could be. It was a shark. I saw the fin pop up 7 feet behind the dorsal fin. It started coming at me. I raN  to shore and i was pretending to be scared and i yelled "SHARRRRKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" Everyone in the water started to scream and they all saw the shark that was at the shallow waters. I saw a little kid who wasnt listening to their parents. They werent going after the child so i decided i would. The shark changed course right towards the kid. I ran and i picked the kid up and put it on the sand. I think i shouldnt be laughing now. I jogged back over to Taylor and i asked if she was okay and she nodded yes and thanked me. We grabbed our stuff and we got into clothes at the hotel for the resteraunt.

We were back in the car and on our way to a fancy resteraunt 30 minutes away. I played with the box in my pocket while driving one handed.

We got out of the car. The resteraunt was called Chipotle. Oh gosh....a white girls resteraunt. Taylor hasnt been here so she wasnt like most girls would be.

We walked in got our table ordered and it was just like one regular night....But not for long Taylor Renne Hope..not for long.

I excused my self to the bathroom and i came out nervouse as hell.... I pulled Taylor and her chair from under the table and i started to explain the long story.

"Taylor Renne Hope you make me happy. You should know this. And i seriously dont wan to give this hell of a long speech but if its for you then its worth it. Taylor when i met you i thought that you were the one to spend the rest of my life with. And i surely want to spend all those white girl moments with you and no one else! Uhmm...haha. I also dont want to leave you...ever. I made a stupid mistake of leaving the other night when you were in trouble. I know that was stupid and when we get home you can slap me for it! But what i am saying is that i seriously love your last name....but you know i would love it even more if it was my last name." I got on one knee and i explained more...by then everyone was staring and crying also.

"Will you do the honor of marrying me?" I asked....i heard sniffles and awes from the resteraunt of people i also saw flashing light from behind me of people taking pictures.

She shook her head.....and it was a yes!!!! I grabbed the ring out of the box and i slided it on her ring finger. On the left this time.

"Oh yeah and why i said home is because i bought a home for us to start our new family. Its a two story in California.....just like you wanted." I kissed her and then we paid and we went out of the store to the hotel and watched 'THe fault in our stars'.

She fell asleep pretty fast.....and i fell asleep with a tear down my face because of the movie....wow.

That night couldnt have gotten any better.


So guys i loved this chapter then the other one because of the proposal and stuff.....next chapter is going to be skipped 7 months ahead to the hospital and stuff to where she is having  her baby. After her baby bump is gone and the baby is born they are going to have their perfect wedding and going to have there perfect life and we never know how many is in her belly.....you will find out tomorrow! Bye!!
Peace out my homescouts.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now