Let's Take a Break From Life

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**Matts pov**

I woke up to a beautiful girl. Taylor. I can't be very she said yes when I asked her....I though she would say no since we just met. I have never had a relationship though. This is my first. And I hope will be my second and my third and all the way through the cycle.

I was going to do a vine on Taylor....since Hayes was living with me I had someone to do it with.

I went into his room and woke him up...

"Hayes get up I wanna do a prank on Taylor before she wakes up!" I whispered to him and slapped him on the face.

"Ugh what do you want to vine now???" he groaned.

"I want you to grab her legs and I'll grab her hands and we are going to run outside and throw her in the ocean!!" I have no clue why I was excited but I was.

So after all that I started to videotape it. I grabbed her hands as softly as I c I use and Hayes grabbed her legs as softly as he could. She told me once she was a heavy sleeper and I believed her. We got her up and in the matter of 5 minutes we managed to get her outside without her waking up. Damn was she a heavy sleeprr. We were at the coastline and there was a loud wave that hit the shore. She woke up! SHIT!! She was really wiggly and wiggled out of our grip. After she got out of our grip we ran I our asses to the house. Before she could reach the door I locked it. She just sat there in Indian style... and pouted.... I felt bad. I unlocked the door and picked her up bride style. She held on to my neck really hard until we got to our room.

Once we got there she jumped out of my arms and landed on the bed. I jumped on after her. I pinned her down on the bed and I said..."I have got you now Hope!! You will never escape!!" I said that in a manly voice and she giggled. She had the most cutest laugh ever...and the best Green eyes In the world. I didn't know what to do after pinning her down...so I slowly leaned in. I kissed her passionately. I controlled her. She seemed fine with it. I let go of her and sat up with her in my arms.

**Taylor's pov**

I am super glad I don't control everything now. We were sitting next to each other and was kissing. Passionate not hard and rough like most. I started to grab his head...than his neck. He grabbed my thigh with one hand and my face with the other. He liked my lip for approval to enter. I let him. He explored my mouth I really didn't care. This moment I really didn't want to end. We took a breath than went back to kissing.

**Matts pov**

We started to move more faster in the make out session. I groaned and little bit which made Taylor laugh. I laughed after to. She pulled me down...wow she so fucking strong....I love strong girls. She started to take off my shirt. I took it off for her and pulled hers off after.

"Wait do you have a condom??" She asked out of breath.

"Uh. Crap. Lemme check." I checked my pockets and I weirdly had one..

"Yeah lemme put it on." She giggled and Said okay.

We went back I got her pants off and I said "Are you sure?"

"I have no clue..." She said with a tear." All I want to be is happy with you so if this makes you happy it makes me happy."

I said,"Taylor I don't want to. I was going along with you. I didn't want to stop because I knew that that would hurt you."

"Matthew. I love you but I think we are a little to young." She giggled and wiped her tear away. "Let me get dressed and we can watch netflix."

"Okay." I kissed her on her forehead and got off of her. I felt bad for her. I went to the bathroom downstairs and took the condom off.

"Where are you Matt??" She yelled from upstairs.

"Down here!!" I yelled back up.

I ran up the steps and asked what movie we were going to watch.

"The Fault In Our Stars. The best movie and saddest on the planet. Can we pleeeaaassseee watch it??" She asked while holding on to my shirt.

"Yeah sure...I guess. " I said To her in a sarcastic voice.

We layed there for an hour and Taylor fell asleep on my chest. I can tell because she breathes heavily when she sleeps. I turned the tv off and went to sleep too and thought if she would ever be mine for the rest of my life.



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North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now