Niall's problem

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Niall's pov
(lots of smut and naughtiness and some STRONG language please don't read if you feel uncomfortable or are younger than 14)

This is not good. This is actually really bad. oh geesh! Not good! ok so as some of you may know I'm in a crazy popular boy band called One Direction. But I know for a fact none of you know I'm a baby hybrid puppy. yea I know, weird but to make it worse, I'm gay. And now, I'm in heat. Usually I have medicine to help me with that but I forgot them on the tour bus. And I've been having little problems all day long. All the other boys know I'm a hybrid but they know nothing about heat. That is except
for Harry his sister, Gemma, is a hybrid as well she had, well still has the same problem. But right now it's really bad. We're riding 'home' (current hotel) in the limo after a long day of signings and concerts. I'm sitting on Harry's lap right now trying to hid my face and obvious boner. We're all very clingy to each other so it seems normal. But it hurts so bad right now and I can't fix it once we get to the hotel since I'm rooming with Liam. Harry's very understanding and is trying to get me to calm down. It's not helping though and I subconsciously roll my hips over his. He freezes underneath me and tries to hold me still.

"what's wrong Ni?" Zayn asked concerned since I was now whimpering. Harry shook his head no trying to get them all to leave me alone then gave the 'it's a hybrid situation' signal which is an ear tug. I whimper again as I roll my hips against my will.

"will someone please tell me what's going on?!" Louis yelled.

"Louis, not now. Niall and I will tell you tomorrow." I didn't protest to that as long as it kept me from explaining now.

"no, I wanna know now that's not fair Ha-"

"If you really wanna know Louis, I'm in heat and have a really painful boner right now!!!!!" I yelled at him.

Everyone went dead silent until Zayn spoke up, "I thought only female hybrids went into heat"

"yea that's usually true except..... can I tell them Ni?" he asked as I shook my head "that's usually the case but it doesn't matter the gender if you have both reproductive systems."

"WHAT?!" Liam screamed in pure shock as the others's jaws left their faces.

"yea and the only way for poor little Ni to get rid of it is for someone to help him out with it" harry spoke again and I blushed and hid my face.

"so you've been fucking with him?" Louis asked obviously furious.

"no Lou, he simply does this... go ahead Ni show them" he told me so I instantly started moving about and rolling my hips around dying for friction. "he does that till it goes away" Harry finished

"Ni, stop now" he tried but my pushy dog side came out as I dug my nails into his shoulders. He winced and I loosened a little but didn't stop moving my lower half.

"why won't he stop?" Louis asked curious.

"his puppy side came out and now I won't get him to stop at all so I sit here until he feels better" he simply states

"so you basically let him fuck you with both of you wearing clothes till he comes in his pants? and this isn't awkward for you at all?" Louis asked now pissed off.

"Lou stop talking about it like that his grip is getting tighter. And if you make him angry enough his heat will last longer. And if you make him angry in heat, he WILL give you the most painful boner you've ever had and leave you to deal with it all day" Harry shot back. Just as I'm about to release Paul opens the damn door. I literally growl at him. His eyes widen knowing why I'm acting like this. Next thing I know Liam is dragging me up to our shared room.

He opens the door and shoves me in asking me, "why didn't you tell me before? I could have helped earlier" he bit his lower lip as he looked at mine.

----(smut warning! this is really awkward to write just want letcha know! I hope you cupcakes enjoy it though!)------

My puppy dominance completely disappears as he pulls me close and kisses me. I melt under his touch and I feel him unbuckling my pants. He pushes me off and rips my shirt off then flings my pants across the room. he quickly undresses him self and hovers over me on the bed. We end up in a VERY heated make out session. I whimper into his mouth and buck my hips up causing him to moan.

"Liam, please" I whisper

"What, what do you want me to do?" he asked eyes filled with lust.

"please, oh jees! please Liam, oh damn it please just fuck me!" I begged

He roughly pulled out underwear down. He slipped a wet finger in me and pumped in and out then added another. Few minutes later he added a third. Finally he lined his member up to my entrance and slowly pushed in.

"aaaa, Liam oh jees your so huuuuugggge!!!!" I moaned as he kissed my neck distracting me from the slight sting of pain. I nodded at him and he slowly began to rock in and out of me.

"Liiiii...... uh oh faster!" I yelled. He kept thrusting in and out pleasuring me to no end.

"ohhhhh..... Niiiii your so uuuugh your soooo tight" he moaned.

"I'm not gonna last much longer LiLi!" I yelled.

"LiLi LiLi LiLi uuuuh...... Li oh babe, ugh I'm gonna.... oh I'm gonna" a mixture of 'Ni' and 'Li's were through out the room as we came all over each other. Liam pulled out of me and layed next to me and asked, "shower?" and we races to it and cleaned up. We woke up in each other's arms all smiles till my stomach turned. Liam opens his eyes and looked at me scared.

"Ni, what's wro-" I cut him off by running to the bathroom and throwing up over the toilet. He came in behind me and rubbed my back until I was done. I went to hug him but immediately threw up into the toilet again. He carried me back to the bed and put me down as Liam's phone rang. He yelled once he found it was the other boys next door. He put them on speaker so I could hear, "you guys were so loud last night!!!!!!" we heard from Tommo.

"we heard everything." Zayn spoke sounding kind of scarred.

"sorry" I mumbled.

"Niall what's wrong, you sound sick are you okay?" Harry asked.

"no not rea-" I ran to the bathroom throwing up again.

"sorry guys Niall just threw up again for the third time this morning" I heard Liam speak

"wait he threw up 3 times already how long have you guys been up?" Lou asked

"like not even 5 minutes" Li answered.

Next thing I knew our hotel door was being opened by the other boys.

"Ni we bought this as a joke last night but I think you'll actually need it now" Lou spoke as he discreetly handed me a pregnancy test. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I took the test and waited in there.

----le 15 minutes later-----

The test beeped 5 minutes ago but I'm afraid to look. I finally got up, picked it up and walked out to the other boys.

"I told them what I handed you earlier so just show us already" Louis spoke calmly but they were obviously as nervous as me. I turned the pregnancy test around to face them and Liam's eyes started to water, Zayn smiled and Louis hugged onto Harry whispering something.

"will somebody please tell me cause I haven't looked yet!" I yelled annoyed.

Liam jumped out of his seat and picked me up as he spun me and said, "we're gonna be daddies!". Best morning ever.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora