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Louis pov

"Hazzy!" I yelled jumping into his arms.

"hi Louis" he giggled.

"Lou, let's go inside I have to tell you something" he said sounding nervous.

"okay..... don't be nervous about it Hazza you can't tell me everything" I assured him. He nodded and held my hand up to his room.

"what is it Hazz?" I asked sitting on the bed pulling him down with me.

"okay well I'm just gonna tell you flat out, Louis I'm gay" he sighed.

I gasped and spoke, "well who is it? who do you have a crush on that made you realize this Hazz?" I asked excited

"your not mad I didn't tell you before?" he asked shocked

"no Hazza but please tell me who it is before I pull the pout face!"

"okay okay! fine fine..... I have a really really huge crush on....... you Lou, I really like you" he smiled hopefully. My eyes widened and my jaw almost dropped but closed it. I stared at him in shock simply sitting there fidgeting with my fingers.

He reached out and held my hand to stop my fidgeting, "LouBear, please say something"

"Hazzy I-I uh.... I don't know what to say" I stutter still in shock. Then I do something that shocks me.

I lunge forward and attack his lips pushing him back onto the bed. He hesitated at first but then ran his hands through my hair. I ran my hands up his sides and into his curls. I tugged on his chocolate curls making him moan into my mouth. I pulled back to look at him but he only pulls me back attaching my lips to his.

We pull back because of the lack of air and he stares lovingly into my eyes, "Lou...."

"Hazzy..... I love you" I whispered.

he sighed in relief, "I love you too Louis"

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora