I dont like your girlfriend

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Liam's pov

Niall walked into class smirking at me. I smiled at him and he simply winked. I gave him a confused look and he just laughed and sat down next to me.

"what's up Ni?" I asked

"nothing with me but," he paused schooching his seat closer to mine, "something's new with you........ and that is that you're not dating Danielle anymore. and I talked to her this morning to ask why and she said that it's because she's seen the way you look at a certain someone else" he smirked laying his hand on my arm. oh shit, does he see it too?

"I never liked your girlfriend..... I'll be brutally honest, she never really liked you she was using you" he paused and fake pouted, "sorry babe"

"it's fine, I was thinking about ending it too" I replied honestly.

"she said it was cause you like someone....... and I know who that someone is and they happen to like you back" he smirked

"who?" I whispered

"me" he smiled and I nodded

"why didn't you ever tell me you knew?" I asked a little hurt

"cause I wasn't sure if you'd hate me if I did this" he smirked.

"do wha-" he shushed me and pulled me out of the classroom when the teacher wasn't looking and around the corner by the library exit no one was allowed to use.

"Niall what are we doing out here?" I asked.

"hey, shush! no one uses this door but it's still next to a library" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. He placed his arms around my neck and my hands found his waist. He quickly pulled me in and kissed me right on the lips. I was shocked at first but soon kissed back. I immediately felt his cold lip ring against my lips and I shivered. I felt him smirk into the kiss and he pulled me closer by my hair. I moaned quietly into his mouth and he pulled back to shush me.

"you thought I'd be mad at that?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He looked at me and nodded shyly. Dear God and people thought he was a bad ass?

"well I can assure you I'm not mad you pulled me out of class to kiss me, but my parents won't be so happy" I chuckled.

"oh yea, well be glad you've got your parents. I'm stuck with just Greg" he said rolling his eyes.

"well well well, look who we've got here. Mr Horan and what poor unfortunate soul this time?" I heard Mr. Peterson the principal ask behind me. I slowly turned around and his jaw dropped.

"Mr. Payne, why are you out here with trouble maker Horan instead of in class?" he sighed.

"uh-" Niall cut me off.

"sorry Mr. Patterson-" now he got cut off,

"it's Peterson for the thousandth time Mr. Horan" he sighed rolling his eyes.

"yea sorry, Mr. Peterson I was just talking to little Liam here before class started and well things got carried away. we'll be heading back to class now" he sassed walking away and pulling me with him.

Once we were out of ear shot I spoke up, "why'd you call me little Liam? I'm taller than you"

"cause, your still my little sophomore Li" he smiled at me.

"that's not fair your only in 11th" I pouted.

"yea but I'm supposed to be in 12" he pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"you still love me though" he smirked and I giggled.

"yea I do" I replied and tried not to laugh as he went on his tip toes to kiss me.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora