Lust filled love

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Quick author's note! These are just gonna be a bunch of one shots of Niam, Larry and Ziam. Hope you likie my little cupcakes!! 😘😘-----

Niall's pov

All of us boys have always been really close and touchy with each other. Lots of hugs and snuggles and kisses on the cheek and definitely hand holding away from prying eyes. But this was different, way different. Liam and I stayed in for the night at our flat. We did a disney themed marathon and ate Chinese take out on the couch. Liam was extra cuddly with me tonight and I had no idea why. ok, so maybe I did or at least I had a theory. I really like Liam and I mean really like. And now I'm hoping that maybe he likes me? Ugh, I don't know, but a guy can dream right? Liam wrapped his arms around my shoulders and placed his face in my neck.

"Hi Li, what's up?" I asked through a mouth full of noodles. He giggled and shook his head no. I could feel him smile and he kissed my neck.

I made out a muffled "no, that tickles Li!" He chuckled and did it again and again until I, Niall Horan had to put my food down.

"Liam, it's bad enough you made me put my food down but now if you don't tell me why your so cuddly today...... I might just have to tickle you" I threatened as I pounced onto him pinning him to the couch. He tried to hide his face but it was no use. I lifted my hands making it look like I was gonna tickle him.

"okay! okay! I'll tell you!" he sighed and continued "I wanna kiss you so bad Niall..... you don't get it" I froze at his words.

My mouth spoke without my brain's go-ahead, "kiss me then". Next thing I know his lips are against mine. His lips are so soft and plump against my slightly rougher, chapped and thinner ones. His hands slid inside his jumper I was wearing and I jumped back at the cold contact. Both of us were breathing heavy now.

"I'm so glad you came to like those leggings Harry teased you into buying" he spoke now trying to take them off.

"wha- wait Liam what are you doing?" I asked now scared of where this was going.

"uh.. wel- I thought I-I uh.... I kinda wanted to ya know........ uh.. oh screw it. Niall please let me fuck you!" he finished bluntly. I sat there eyes wide in complete shock, jaw dropped to the floor.

"I uh... well Li-" I got cut off by lips and soon enough I was thrown onto our bed upstairs.

"please Ni?" he asked hovering over me. He slyly pulled off his borrowed jumper I was wearing. He undresses himself until he was in his black boxers. I stared at his abs surprised I wasn't drooling. He leaned down again to kiss me. He worked his way down to my neck and I felt him give me a few love bites.

"Li, I don't know if we should be doing this. Liiiii, oh god." I moaned.

"sounds like you want to" he smirked and look down at my leggings. "looks like you want to"

"oh shut it Li just kiss me and continue" I growled at him. He quickly ripped off my leggings and boxers at the same time then took his off. He leaned down over me and continued with kisses. I could feel his member pressing against mine and we were both getting harder.

We both pulled back and I glanced at his lower regions and yelled, "jeesh Liam! Your huge!" He blushed and mumbled to me, "You not too bad yourself" now I was blushing.

"but..... uh L-Li, there is something I should tell you." I stuttered.

"what Ni?" he whispered then kissed my lips softly.

"I... I.. um well, I'm a virgin." I whispered.

"oh well that makes me feel so much better Ni. So am I" he sighed and kissed me again.

"would you please just fu-" he cut me off with a kiss.

"no, this is not going to be fucking. this our first time together, I'm going to be slow and sweet about it" he spoke soft as kissed my neck.

"Liiii-Liam just please... do something" I whined. The next thing I know his member is shoved into me harshly. "aaaaaaa! oh god, Liam! yo- your your so big" I yelled.

"do you want me to stop?" he asked while starting to pull out.

"don't you dare pull out unless you plan on going back in" I growled as I wrapped my legs around him pushing him in further.

"oh Ni.... your so tight" he whispered in my ear. I growled a 'move' in his ear and he slowly started to rock in and out of me. My arms had found their way around his neck and I pulled him into a long kiss. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach as whimpered, "LiLi my stomach hurts, ugh Li I'm serious"

"it's okay Ni, it's okay" he panted.

"Li but it doesn't feel good" I whined again.

"it will, just trust me babe" he leaned down and continued kissing my neck. I moan at how overloaded my senses are right now.

I felt something again and moaned at it starting realizing what it was, "oh God! fuck, Li faster!" I panted as he complied.

"Ni, I'm so close" he panted into my ear. I nodded at him and kissed him. We both came together and he collapsed on top off me. We both laid there for a minute until he pulled out and I whimpered obviously still sore. He handed my boxers and pulled his on. He laid back down next to me and hugged onto me. I froze as I remembered something very important.

"oh God, I am such an idiot. That was sooooooo stupid! how could I have not thought this through?" I yelled at my self out as I sat up.

"you think that was a mistake?" Liam asked me.

"yes" I answered.

"I'm sorry Niall. I shouldn't have pushed you." he mumbled.

"what?" I asked turning to him. His eyes looked so sad, "wait, oh God no no no no Liam! I didn't mean the whole thing was a mistake, I promise! oh God Liam, no it's just that...."

"you wished we would have waited" he finished.

"no Liam, I just wish we would have used a condom that's all." I answered him truthfully.

"what? that doesn't matter whether or it we do Niall." he stated still obviously puzzled.

"yea actually it does, especially if our guest bedroom will finally be put to use...... forever" I replied hoping he would get the hint.

"wha? Niall, your not making sense here" he furrowed his eye brows together.

"Liam, I can get pregnant even though I'm a guy" I whispered. His eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"you hate me now, you think I'm gross and or you don't want anything to do with the possible baby." I answered for him.

"wrong, so so so so wrong" he pinned me to the mattress and kissed me.

"so I'm taking you like this idea?" I smirked.

"hell yea" Liam cussed.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora