Forever Date

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For this story they only have one year apart (Harry is 13 & Lou is 14)

Harry's pov

"Lou.... what on earth are you doing?" I questioned him as he kissed my neck and all over my face. Now we all did this to each other all the time playfully but never ever like what Lou was doing now.

"you know exactly what I'm doing curly" he smirked as he shifted from by my side and under my arm to on my lap and facing me. His arms linked around my neck, legs on either side of mine. He went back to kissing me all over my neck and face. I naturally wrapped my arms around him my hands linked at his lower back above his bum.

"but why Lou?" I asked quite innocently.

"because I love you Hazzy" his lips instantly continuing their work from earlier.

"but... you've never given me kisses like this before" I spoke more to myself than anything.

"so, I still love you" he now kissed behind my ear as his head rest against my shoulder.

"yea, but why such loving little kisses and pecks?" I pressed further

"because I love you!!!" he seemed to almost whine as if he was trying to tell me more than just that.

"Lou, what's wrong? I know you love me, you don't need to shower me with such kiss to prove it." I whispered to him sensing he was upset now.

"nothing's wrong and I know I don't have to.... I... I guess, I just want to" he squealed now starting to cry.

"Lou! boobear, please tell me what's wrong" I spoke soft trying to comfort him. He seemed to cry harder now.

"it's just... it's just that I guess, well my parents are getting a divorce and I'm afraid of loosing you like how my mum lost my dad. well I guess, not really they both decided it was best but I mean deep down I know they still love each other" he seemed to finally be calming down.

"Well Loubear" I paused as he wasn't looking at me "Lou look at me please" his ocean gray eyes met mine "Lou, I will never leave you, your mine. You are my best friend in the whole world how could I ever let you go!" I playfully yelled. He giggled and smiled at me laughing into my neck.

"I love you Boo" I smiled into his soft feathery hair. He pulled back to look me straight in the eye his arms still around my neck, "what did you just say?" he barely whispered.

"I love you Lou" I paused getting concerned again "Lou are you sure there's nothing else? I mean I've said I love you to you I have no clue, countless times since we were in grade school. you've never reacted like that before" I was genuinely beginning to worry now.

"nothing Harry, I just...... it's just when I say that.... oh screw it, we're already this far!" he said as his voice raised slightly

"gotten how far with what?" I face palm as I ask now purely confused. Lou has dropped a hand down to my waist with the other on the back of my neck and pulled me close. I suddenly feel de ja vu for some really weird reason. He closes the gap and pulls our lips together in a sweet, long kiss. I have waited too long for this kiss. He pulls back and looks right into my eyes.

"so, whatcha think?" he smiled as he bit his left lower lip.

"wondrous" I smiled back at him.

"good" he whispered as he lets out a breath.

"geesh it almost sounds like you've been waiting to do that Tommo!" I tease.

"mr styles! of course I have! don't you even remember our first 'best friend date'!" he giggled.

"of course I do." I smiled at the memory

(year 4 & 5 Harry is 9 Lou is 10)

Harry's pov

I waited out side my class room door for Louis to come pick me up. He was in the class down the hall. I was starting to worry Lou forgot me. Just as I thought so, Louis came speed walking down the hall a grin so big his face looked like it could break.

"Hi Harry!" he chirped as he reached me.

"Hi Lou!" I grinned back as he grabbed my messenger bag.

"Lou!!!!" I whined "why do you always have to do that?!" I continued as he chuckled.

"because I'm a gentleman!" he beamed as he intertwined our fingers.

"but so am I" I'm confused now.

"well mum always said that when your taking someone out for a date you always be the gentleman you are!" I smiled as he called it a date.

"your taking me for a date?" I giggled.

He blushed but nodded his head, "well yea, I don't take just anyone to the movies!" he teased.

"Lou you've never taken anyone anywhere!" I giggled as he opened the door that lead out to the playground.

"so you'll be my first date then, and I'll be yours! how's that sound?!" he jumped in excitement.

"can you be my forever date?" I asked quite point blank.

"you mean... like boyfriend girlfriend?" he blushed as he realized what he said, "I mean, know what I mean harry... do you mean like boyfriend and boyfriend?" his smile widened.

"yea I guess, but I meant like more uh I mean maybe more? I don't know, I'm not quite sure" I rambled on. His eyes widened as he realized what I meant. We somehow had managed to walk all the way to the movie theaters and were right inside the doors.

"you mean like forever forever, don't ya Hazz?" he asked in complete shock. I could barely nod my head yes. He gently I yanked my hand and brought us closer. His right hand now on my side the other still in mine as his hand moved it's way to my back and pulled us even closer. He pulled us so close I knew he was going to do something. I closed my
eyes but not before I saw him close his. His lips met mine and bombs and sparks flew and somehow he pressed us closer. My arms had somehow found his neck and his found my waist. I slowly pulled back not wanting to.

"will you be mine Hazz, could you be mine and be my forever date?" I smiled widely as did he.

"I can't wait for our next kiss Lou bear." I whispered softly.

"Let's wait a little while, is that okay with you?" he bit his lower lip not wanting to hurt my feelings.

"of course not, but I'll definitely be waiting."

----Flashback over-----

"I can't believe I actually forgot that for a second" I shook my head.

"it's okay, as long as you remember now" he smiled.

I nodded, "of course I do, your my forever date"

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