Niam stepbrothers

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Niall's pov

Liam and I have been stepbrothers for almost three years now and I've come to find him pretty damn cool. He's really responsible which is good because I'm not. We're seriously like best friends but we haven't always been. We used to kind of hate each other but we got over that really quick. I'm just glad we did because otherwise our lives would be miserable. He used to find every excuse to flick me so I'd flick him back and we'd end up sissy slapping each other's arms. Let's just say it never ended well. Anyway it's finally the weekend and Liam and I are hanging out in the basement.

"hallelujah for Friday!" I exclaimed plopping down on the couch.

"agreed" Liam said hopping over the couch half on top of me.

"ugh, Liam move! you're crushing me!" I groaned.

"no!" he protested.

"uh why not?" I questioned.

"you're cozy, I'm not moving" he told me shifting and cuddling into my side.

"uh..... thanks?" I spoke confused why he was being extra cuddly.

"let's watch a movie" I suggested and he nodded no and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"don't you dare move mister" he teased.

"what's gonna happen if I do?" I teased looking down at his head on my chest.

"oh you can move but I won't let go. so it's up to you" he chuckled.

"well fine then" I spoke with a smile. I tried to get up but he held me down with the extra weight. So I rolled off the couch with him still attached and we landed on the floor with a thump.

"ohhhhh, Liam could you get off me now, you're crushing me again" I groaned as he giggled.

he sighed and spoke, "fine" as he rolled off me. I crawled over to the movies and picked out my favorite, finding nemo.

"finding nemo? again?" Liam sighed.

"hey we watched toy story last weekend! no complaining" I pointed my finger at him. I put it in the DVD player and turned the tv on then crawled back over to the couch. I sat down and Liam instantly cuddled into my side. The previews started and I turned my attention to them. I found myself playing with Liam's fluffy curly hair while half way through the movie. I looked down at him and saw he was half asleep.

"Li, do you just wanna go to sleep?" I whispered to him.

"mmm, sure" he mumbled shifting so he was laying on top of me.

"uh no Li I meant do you wanna go up to be-" he cut me off

"no I don't want to move" he mumbled into my chest and continued, "you're too cozy"

"okay fine" I sighed turning the tv off.

"goodnight Li" I whispered closing my eyes and shifting to get comfortable.

"goodnight Ni" he mumbled into my chest. He schooched his body up further closer to my face.

"what's up Li?" I asked peeking my eyes open.

"I love you Niall, you're really cool. You're like a real brother to me" he spoke lifting his head up to face me.

I smiled at him and spoke, "I love you too Liam, I'm glad you're my stepbrother" He smiled brightly at me as he shifted so he was now hovering over me with his hands on either side of my head.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smirked knowing he's up to something, "what are you doin mister?"

"nothing" he whispered as he leaned down and kissed me. I was shocked at first (cause I mean who wouldn't be? my stepbrother's kissing me). Oh shit! my stepbrother's kissing me! I whimpered against his lips in protest but he took it the wrong way and pressed his lips harder against mine. I tried to pull away but he had me pressed hard into the couch. Curse these cushy couchs! I finally gave up protesting and melted into the kiss. And I must say, he's a really good kisser. I moaned into the kiss and ran my fingers through his curly hair.

He barely pulled back still hovering over me, "Liam, why did you do that?" he stopped me with another kiss, "Liam why are you kissing me, Liam this is wrong we can't-" another kiss this one longer. Jesus Christmas! what is wrong with this boy?! I mean don't get me wrong, I love kissing him but it's wrong... so so so wrong. I just can't help but love it though and that scares me.

He pulled back and rested his head on my forehead.

"Liam, why did you do that?" I whispered.

"because Niall...... I love you, I really do" he mumbled before kissing me again.

"I love you too Liam, but I'm not sure if it's the way you love me" I whispered to him.

"well then why haven't you pushed me off yet or told me not to kiss you" he asked obviously hurt.

"because, I'm just as confused as you are" I snapped.

"you don't need to snap at me" he pouted while he moved off of me and sat down on the couch. I sighed and sat in his lap facing him. He pulled me in for a hug so I (obviously) hugged him back.

"I'm sorry Liam I didn't mean to snap at you. and I didn't tell you to stop kissing me because you're a good kisser.... sorry" I shrugged.

Liam blushed and hid his face in my neck. I giggled and kissed his neck.

"Liam, I do love you I-I..... I just-" I sighed and snuggled in closer. "I just don't know how we would ever work if I do find out I love you like you love me"

"it's okay, I completely get it Niall. trust me I've thought about that for a long time" he assured me.

"you were my first kiss" I whispered to him.

"huh? how have you never been kissed before?" he asked pulling back to look at me and I just shrugged.

"really not even before I met you? no ones kissed this sexy leprechaun before?" he giggled as I blushed.

"no, no ones kissed me before and plus we were ten when we met" I mumbled hiding my face in his neck. He chuckled and spoke, "good point..... you were my first kiss too" This time it was my turn to giggle. Maybe I really do love Liam like that, or maybe not only time will tell though.

"how 'bout you take me on a date?" I asked.

He smiled brightly at me and nodded, "I'd love to do that" he pecked my lips again and I smiled through it.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora