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quick authors note!:
this is just gonna be a really cute super short one shot I literally just thought of. (not famous and they're 10 here)

Zayn's pov

I was yet again spending my afternoon over at my best friend Niall's house. I hopped out of my mums car as soon as it pulled into the Horan's driveway and ran right to the door. I rang the door bell and a few seconds later Niall opened the door.

"Ni!" I smiled.

"Zee!" he smiled back brightly and held out his arms for a hug. I stepped up and into the doorway and hugged him. I picked him off the floor for a second and he squealed. I put him down and he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me further into the house. We had to go past the living room which was filled with Greg and his friends.

"hey look it's kissless Niall and his little boyfriend" Greg teased us as Niall frowned and pulled us up the stairs. We reached his room and he closed the door then sat on his bed face in his hands.

"what were they talking about Niall and is that why your upset?" I asked sitting next to him as he nodded.

"Ni, what were they talking about you being 'kissless' and that I'm..... I'm your uh.... boyfriend?" I asked. He pulled his head up and turned to face me with a pout still present. He motioned for me to scooch closer to the middle if the bed so I did. He followed me to the middle if the bed and we sat criss cross legged.

"they were teasing me earlier about how I haven't had my first kiss yet and you were brought up when Greg mentioned about the cheek kisses we give each other on our birthdays. Do you remember that?" he asked me blushing. I nodded and smiled I leaned over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He blushed even more and covered his cheeks with his hands. I moved them away from his face and held them in mine.

"Zayn, do you wanna stay over for the weekend again?" he asked me smiling.

"that sounds great Ni let me go ask my mum" I spoke pulling him off the bed with me. I opened the door and felt the need to stop. I turned around and Niall looked confused. I pulled him closer to me with the hand of his I held. Once he was close enough I had my arms around his waist. His arms found their way around my neck so he wouldn't fall from being pulled. He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and I melted. We both tugged on each other to make us impossibly closer and our lips met. It was literally everything I had hoped it would be. I know I sound cheesy but it's true, I really do love my best friend.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora