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Niall's pov

"why don't you want me to ask Janet to the dance?" Liam asked for the millionth time catching up to me in the halls.

"because Liam, you said it your self! You don't like her as anything more than a friend, so WHY would you ask her?!" I explained yet again.

"so, friends can go with friends!" he exclaimed upset.


"wha- I- I don't get it Niall. why don't you want me to ask her specifically?" he asked calm but still confused.

"I- I -I don't know Liam." I sighed leaning against a random locker.

"well what is it then?" he asked confused.

"I- I -I don't know Liam I- I uh ugh! it's just that, well I guess. I don't know Liam! okay? I just don't know.........well I guess it's just if ya ask her she might the the wrong idea. And I- uh I really don't want that because- eh, well ya see, it would just complicate things........ for you I mean" I stuttered honestly not understanding myself.

"wha- Niall what are you talking about? I mean if she gets the wrong idea I can just tell her flat out I don't like her like that. or avoid it and ask her AS A FRIEND LIKE I WAS PLANNING TO!" he exclaimed throwing his hands up. I sighed and clutched my notebook to my chest. I felt like a silly little school girl with a crush on her best friend. Which I was, with a few major twists.

"did you ever consider any of your other friends first?" I asked quietly.

"no why? who else did you have in mind?" he asked rolling his eyes, "cause Janet's the only close friend of mine whose a girl" he spoke obviously annoyed with the topic.

"who said it had to be a girl?" I asked quietly.

"wait what?" he shook his head in confusement.

"like maybe me?" I whispered shuffling my feet. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.

"Ni-" I cut him off as I sigh loudly again, "Liam, kiss me"

"what?" he asked confused.

I nodded my head yes, "you heard me
Liam, kiss me. I want you to kiss me and then go see if you still want to ask Janet."

"Niall what the hell? are you being serious right now?" he asked knitting his eyebrows together.

"yes Liam, now hurry up and kiss me before I go ask Zayn to the dance instead of you" I stood there perfectly still in the 6th grade hall way silently hoping he actually kisses me.

"I really don't want to but if you don't kiss me I'll ask him and you know I will." He stood there completely frozen mouth wide open.

I went to move forward to walk across the hall to Zayn when Liam dropped his notebooks on the floor and pushed me against the lockers with a kiss. I quickly reciprocated the kiss and felt my notebook fall to the floor between us.

His hands were in my hair messing it up but I wouldn't and couldn't complain. I had my arms
wrapped tightly around his neck pulling him closer. Too soon he pulled back and I rested my forehead on his.

"Liam if you don't ask me to the dance, I will scream" I teased pulling back to look at him.

"of course I'm asking you" he chuckled.

"well..... I'm waiting" I tease again.

"you never were patient" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"Niall, will you please be my date to the dance next Friday?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded a yes, "I'd love to....... guess Janet will have to find another hunk cause I've got this one" I smirked.

"oh my God, will you please leave poor Janet out of your jealousy rages" he joked.

"nu uh, no way. she's the one who started all this" I spoke half joking half seriously.

"well then, I've got her to thank then?" he teased and I nodded smiling.

"I love you Liam" I whispered

"I love you Niall" he whispered back. He leaned forward and pecked me
softly. I quickly pulled back only to kiss
him again.... and again and again....... and again until the bell rang.

"mm, Niall we have to get to class" he spoke giving me a sympathetic smile.

"uh uh, no way. bathroom....... now" I demanded.

"what? what are we gonna do in the bathroom?" he ask confused.

"make out, duh" I smirked pulling him along as he blushed. And let's just say we both went home with bright rosy puffy lips.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora