Kiss Me

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Liam's pov

The boys and I were finally headed back to the hotel after a long day of interviews and signings. I was sat between Zayn and Louis on my left with Harry and Niall in front of us. I was extremely tired but I always tried to stay awake and talk to the other boys. Zayn was currently trying to keep a conversation with me but I was half asleep. Louis was knock out against the window and bromance Narry is whispering to each other barely awake. I could hear Zayn talking but I couldn't register what he was saying. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"what? sorry Zayn I zoned out, what did you say?" he huffed at me and sat back in his seat.

"aww, come on Zayn! please tell me what you said. I said I'm sorry I just zoned out for a second because I'm tired." I whined while placing my head in his shoulder. He sighed and turned his head away playfully.

"Zaaaaaayyyynnnnn........... please tell me" I whined again and he sighed with a mumbled, "fine"

"yay! okay I'll be quiet now and you can tell me" I said not bothering to move from his shoulder. He began to speak again but I wasn't listening again. This time though I was focused on how cute Zayn looked.... like usual and I simply couldn't stop staring.

"if you caught anything that I just said at all whatsoever or if you even bother to at least listen to the first word I said....... how about, ya know what Liam if you caught any of that.... kiss me" Zayn said obviously not knowing I caught what he said. I smirked before I quickly leaned up and captured his lips. He was shocked at first but then he carded his fingers through my small curls as I played with the small hairs at the bottom of his neck. I pulled back barely an inch and he spoke, "I didn't think you'd catch that since you kept zoning out before"

"of course I caught that, I'll always catch the important stuff" I smiled as I kisses him again.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora