Im Gay

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random ^^ 😜
authors note, they're just out of highschool in this one (not famous)

Liam's pov

I walked up to my best friends house and rang the doorbell. Niall asked me to come over and he sounded kind f worried about something so I came right over.

"coming! I'll be right there, hold on" I heard him shout. A few second later he opened the door with a huge smile on his face.

"hey Li" he smiled at me.

I chuckled at his bubblyness and spoke, "hey Ni what's up? why'd ya call me over?" I asked stepping inside.

"uh no specific reason. just wanted to hang out with my bestest friend in the while wide world" he said walking into the kitchen.

"cool, so whatcha cookin good lookin?" I asked sitting on the kitchen counter.

"first off, what have I said about sitting on the counter? and second of all whose this good lookin that's cookin my kitchen cause it ain't me" he said opening the fridge and pulling out iced tea.

My jaw dropped, "Uh your the good lookin who cookin in your kitchen and no I will not remove my self from the counter" I stuck my tounge out at him as he handed me some tea.

"yea yea whatever, but seriously get off the counter. you could get hurt if you fall" he told me while putting a pizza in the oven.

I jumped off the counter as I spoke teasingly, "yes mom"

"haha very funny" he teased.

"is that your homemade pizza?" I asked excitedly.

"yea why?" he asked puzzled.

"cause I love your cooking, especially your pizza" I pointed at him and he chuckled.

"come on, let's go watch a movie while we wait for the pizza" he suggested dragging me into the living room.

-------during le movie & eating Niall's yummy pizza------

"so, what did you want to tell me?" I asked throwing my paper plate on the coffee table.

"what do you mean?" he asked tossing his plate on top of mine. He moved closer to me and rested his head on my chest.

I wrapped my arm around him and spoke, "I'm not stupid, you called me over sounding worried now spit it out. and no I won't freak, judge nor be mad now get on with it" I told him.

"and just make it the short version please" I added on.

"okay. well here goes, Liam I'm gay" he told me flat out.

"oh, okay" I said getting butterflies in my stomach.

"are you okay with it?" he asked pulling back to look at me.

"uh.... yea. it's who you are Niall, your still the same person when I met you. nothing's changed" I reassured him as he sighed in relief.

"one thing though, who made you realize it?" I asked out of curiosity.

He groaned while blushing, "do I have to tell you?"

"well after that reaction, hell yes you have to tell me. That reaction tells me 2
things, the guys either got a big d*c or he's so freakin hot LOUIS might get jealous and he's got Harry." I said pointing at him.

Niall's face was the definition of red, "well he's definitely super hot, but I don't know the other option"

"well my next question is, do you wanna know?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows.

"hell yes!" he exclaimed.

"wow, you really wanna take this guy to bed don't you?" I spoke with raised eyebrows.

He gave me a small nervous laugh, "you have no idea Liam" He shifted so he was now halfway laying on top of me. I felt something against my leg and my eyes went wide and I felt my face go red.

"Niall, I think you've got a bit of a problem there" I said quietly praying to GOD! I don't end up with one too.

"oh my God! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed moving away, "this must be
so awkward for you Liam, I am so sorry!"

"well what were you even thinkin about?!" I exclaimed now frustrated because I have 'problem' too.

"HEY! your the one who kept talkin bout how I wanna 'take my crush to bed' it's not my fault you brought it up!" he shot back.

"oh look who else has got a problems now. what's wrong Liam? thinking about your crush you wanna 'take to bed'?" he teased me.

"maybe" I mumbled.

"whose your crush?" Niall asked seeming upset. I shook my head no.

"okay fine. how about this we both say the names on the count of three?"
he suggests.

"okay" I agree.

"one, two...... three, go! it's you!" we both yell at the same time then stare at each other wide eyed. I quickly move over to him and kiss him. My hands find their way to his sides as his find my hair. I spend the night at Niall's doing..... naughty things.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora