Larry hug

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Louis pov

I can't believe I just got kicked off the show. Well at least I'm not the only one but I still feel terrible. My sorta friend I met in the bathroom a few weeks earlier Harry was rely torn up about it. I tried to go over to comfort him but before I could they called a few of us back onto the stage along with a few girls. Along with Harry and I there are 3 other guys our age. Nicole started to speak but I couldn't hear what he was saying because I was still so upset I got kicked off. All I did here is, "we'd like to put you together as a group" as we all jumped up excited.

Harry almost fell to the floor in excitement then shot up and screamed, "TOMMO!" I smiled at him and ran the short distance to him into a hug as my legs somehow found themselves around him. Wow is he strong for his age to be able to hold me up.

Simon spoke again but all I caught was, "your gonna have to work even harder now guys.... but good luck and congratulations" we all nodded in agreement smiling our asses off. Harry was smiling so big he was covering it with his hand and I couldn't help but smile as well. They let us to go celebrate with everyone else but before I could get off the stag Harry had me in his arms again. I had wrapped myself around him as he spun me.

"Haz, put me down now" I giggled into his ear.

"no way" he simply stated and started to carry me off the stage.

"Harry, stop it right now. Put me down! HOW are you so strong?" I asked while trying to wiggle away. I loved being in his arms but people were staring now. (mostly the blonde Irish one I heard that Liam kid call Niall. Niall was mostly trying not to laugh at us but epically failing.)

"Haz we made it!" I exclaimed as he finally putting me down.

"I know Lou I'm so happy we get to spend more time together and get to know each other better. Oh God Lou! I'm so excited right now I could kiss you!" he exclaimed as I froze. He obviously missed my expression at first but caught on.

"oh, uh yea sorry about that" he mumbled. I looked down to realize I was still in his arms and I have mine around his neck. I looked at him to see him blushing. Next I did something that shocked even me. I swooped down in front of his face and nudged his lips up with mine so our faces were more level with each other. He seemed shocked but almost instantly reacted and I'm so glad he did because this was by far the best kiss I've ever had.

He pulled back and said, "I'm kind of glad we got kicked off just to be brought back"

"why?" I asked shyly.

"cause then otherwise I wouldn't have been able to kiss you" he smiled as I blushed.

"oh you would have styles, just not so soon" I smirked.

"see, I would have had to wait for it" he giggled.

"your so silly" I smiled.

"but ya love me!" he smiled with that beautiful cheesy grin and tilted his head making him look very cheeky and innocent.

"yea I do" I mumbled before kissing him again.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora