Mornings with the boys

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Zayn's pov

I roll over to find Niall sitting up on our bed on his phone completely oblivious that I'm awake now.

"good morning Ni" I mumble and his head shot up to look at me.

"Zayn! your up! after sleeping in forever!" he yelled throwing himself on top of me. I look over to the clock and see it's 10 in the morning.

"Ni it's only 10, I usually get up at lunch time" I chuckled at him.

"I know but I was up since 8:30!!!!" he whined.

"Niall!" Liam whisper screamed through the door, "Niall, you're gonna wake Zayn up and he's gonna become a grumpy monster come down for breakfast" he said while opening the door. I instantly pretended to be asleep and felt Liam try to remove Niall from me. I grabbed onto Niall and pretended to be woken up and grumpy, "GRRRR, who woke me up!" I rolled us over so Niall was pinned beneath me and sillily pretended to bite his neck like a 'grumpy monster' would along with a few love bites. He kept giggling and laughing and trying to squirm free from my grip.

"Jesus Christmas Zayn! you scared me!" Liam exclaimed holding his hand to his chest. I looked up from Niall's neck and playfully growled at him while Niall hugged onto me.

"so.... who woke me up?" I asked keeping the act up.

"NOT ME!" Liam yelled running out of the room. I looked at Niall beneath me and smirked.

"Zayn, what are you plotting now?" he asked seemingly slightly frightened.

"THIS!" I yelled while tickling him.

"I surrender! I surrender!" he yelled breathless.

"mmm, you remember what happens when anyone of us surrenders right?" I asked giving his neck love bites agin.

"of course I do..... why do you think I surrendered?" he asked and I smirked into his neck.

"you could just ask for a kiss if you ever wanted one Niall, you don't have to surrender" I told him looking into his eyes.

"I know isn't it kinda weird how all of us kiss from time to time and everyone's apparently straight though?" he asked scrunching up his face.

"have you seen Lou and Harry together? let alone Lou? I can tell you one thing Louis is not and that my friend, is straight." I chuckled.

"good point but I mean seriously though what Liam? he seems straight as a ruler" he exclaimed.

I laughed and spoke, "yea a bendy ruler" Niall smiled and tried to speak again but I cut him off, "let's just not put labels on everything okay Ni?"

he just shrugged and said, "I was just gonna say I'm sure as hell not straight either. One look at you and that totally verified that. Not that I had ever doubted it but you smashed any microscopic doubt I'd ever had in my life"

"whys that?" I asked just wanting him to say it.

"Zayn, your one of the hottest guys I know!" he exclaimed and my mouth gaped.

"one of?!" I yelled.

He blushed and spoke quietly, "well yea, the other three are the other boys"

"awwww, Niall that's so cute!" I smes at him.

"can I please have my kiss now please?!" he whined. I nodded and leaned over to lightly place a kiss on his lips. I pulled back to see him smiling at me. In laid my head down on his chest and we cuddled as he played with my hair. Liam soon came to get us for breakfast. Can I just say one thing, I love my mornings with my boys.

One Direction Love (some hybrid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora