Booty Call part 2

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Louis pov

I sighed at the ceiling of my room bored after being alone for only 5 minutes. I really can't stand being alone, I need to have someone's attention at all times.

I tried to close my eyes and rest just as my phone rang. I jumped up and answered it not looking to see who it was.

"hello?" I asked anxiously

"hey boo bear" Harry smirked

"hi Hazzy" I smiled while blushing.

I don't know what it is, but this kid does something strange to me.

"you should come over and do a twit cam with me" he spoke in his slow voice

"I have a feeling you'll wanna do something other than a twit cam" I joked.

"ha ha ha very funny Lou" he spoke sarcastically with a hint of nervousness.

I gasped, "Harry was this an actual booty call?"

"maybe, why would you be against it?" he mumbled and I could almost see his smirk.

"maybe, maybe not" I mumbled play mocking him

"Lou come on, be serious for a second" he complained

"about what?" I asked mischievously

"about whether or not this is a booty call" he spoke matter of factly.

"depends, Hazz. would you make the first move? cause if not, then nothing's happening cause I melt around you" I admitted but he still laughed

"yea I would" he chuckled

"then I guess this is a booty call" I joked

"then get your booty over here I want it" he playfully demanded.

"I'll be right over" I smiled, quickly hung up and grabbed my room key then headed out into the hall.

Once out in the hall I saw Niall leaving his room. I froze and my eyes went big.

"where are you going?" I asked quietly

"Liam's why? what's it to you? why you headed into Harry's?" He asked just as quietly.

"good point." I spoke looking around nervously and he looked down shuffling his feet.

"we speak to no one about this" I suggested looking at him frightened.

"deal" he said nodding and high fived me as he passed.

"get some Niall" I said quietly.

He snickered, "shut it Louis, but........ same" We laughed before he entered into the elevator and I disappeared into Harry's room.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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