Sodapop ~ fake boyfriend

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"Hey girl, where ya headed?" Some soc says, following behind me. Gladly I was right in front of the Curtis house.

"Some place you're not in" I replied. "There's no need to be rude" "Well my guts are telling me there is a need, so piss off" "I-" he got cut of by my "boyfriend" Soda.

"Baby, where have you been? I was worried sick!" He said. "Who are you, greaser?" The soc says. "I'm hers, isn't that obvious" he says, grabbing my hips. "Sorry I was being harassed by this Soc" I said, going along with it.

"I don't buy... This" he said, gesturing his hand. "Kiss him" he said to me. "There's no need for that, c'mon sweetie let's get back inside" I said. "No, kiss him right now or I'mma kill you both right here"

"Jesus, why do you want that so bad damnit" I said. "Okay, I'mma kill you then" he pulls out his blade.

"Okay! Okay, my god!" I said. I turn my head to Soda and he instantly kisses me. I went along with it. It went on for quite a while.

"ALRIGHT STOP IT! got it, I'll go away. Jesus christ" he says, running away. Me and Soda both laugh.

"I owe you. Here's 20" I said, handing him 20 bucks. "No, no. Keep it. I liked doing that anyway" "What, you got feelings for me or somethin'" I chuckle. "Yes" he mumbled. "What?" "Nothin' c'mon let's get inside, I'm glad no one but him saw us kissing"

We went inside and flopped on the couch.

"Gosh, it's always that guy. If not that guy, usually it's Danny but I always see him with his girl now" I said. "Well, I think we scared em' off good" "Thank god" I said, laying my head on Sodas' lap.

"People always tell us ladies to cover up. And then they'll tell us were too dressed down. Makes no sense" I said, "Well, society's a bitch sometimes. It always has been" Soda said.

Me and Soda talked for a while until Two-Bit, Pony and Johnny came.

"Hey guys" Two says, coming in the house. "Hey, where'd ya go?" I asked, sitting back up. "Just around town. Nothin' much. What'd y'all do?" Pony asks.

"Scared off another Soc. He probably won't be back again" I said. "That's good then" Johnny says.

<< School the next day >>

"Why is everyone staring at me" I whisper to Pony. "I don't know man, I don't keep up with the drama around here". I go to my locker until Two walks up to me.

"Y/n, tell me this isn't JUST a rumor" he says. "What? What're you talking about?" "You didn't hear? Everyone's talking about how you kissed Sodapop" he said. My eyes widened.

I wasn't thinking about how the Soc would tell everyone in school.

"What? Who said that?" "Some Soc named Danny, is it true?" He asks. "No it's not true. Two-Bit, Sodas' like my twin. We did not kiss" I lied. "Damn, you didn't? I wish y'all did" "Wh- what? Why?"

"Hellooo? The whole gang and some people in school want you and Soda to be together! I'd expect you to hear it by now" he said. "Why do you want us to be together?" "Umm because y'all make it so obvious and y'all are cute together"

"Are we? I don't- I don't see it. I literally don't see it. Anyways, guess I'm gonna have to go through another day with people staring" I said, going to class.

<< After school >>

"You and Soda kissed?" Pony shouted when we met up outside of school. "Its not true! Probably the Soc that keeps bothering me said that. You know how they're like" I lied again. We continue to walk back to his house.

"I don't believe you" he said. "Why? Because we make it so "obvious" and you're gonna say we're "cute together"?" I said. "Because you're a good liar, and yes" he blurted out.

I hit him on his shoulder. "Ow! What? Y'all are cute! We've been wanting to set y'all up together" "God damnit, c'mon let's get home. I'm not in the mood for Socs right now" I said. We then rush back to the house.

I see the whole gang. And I mean the whole gang go silent when I came in.

"Hey... You guys look really suspicious. What's up" I said, Pony was probably confused too. "Nothin'" Two says. "Two-Bit, what did you do?" "Nothin', I didn't say anything"

"Johnny?" I look at him, he could never lie.

"He told Soda about the rumor" he spits out. "Two! I told you it's fake" "And I told them it wasn't" Soda interrupts. "You're fired from being my fake boyfriend" I said.

"That doesn't matter. I quit to be your fake boyfriend" he stood up from the couch. "Umm okay? And? I fired you first anyway. Not changing a single thing in my mind"

"How's this gonna change your mind?" He walks up to me and kisses me, again. I couldn't help but to kiss back. We pull away. Everyone's jaw dropped.

"How about I be your really boyfriend?" He asks. "I don't know-" I was then cut by the whole gang shouting.

"JUST SAY YES!" "Jesus, okay!" I laughed. The whole gang cheers. I look at Pony. My other fake boyfriend, only in school.

"You're still my fake boyfriend" "15" he puts out his hand. "What for?" "I did not fall for your lies" he smirks. I huffed and take out 15 bucks out of my pocket.

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