dallas ~ not a movie

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    "What the hell did Bob do this time?" I said to Cherry as I saw her fight with her boyfriend at the Nightly Double.

   "Said something really offensive. Come join us." She said. "Don't mind if I do." I said. We got to our seats.

   "I came here to watch a movie and gonna watch a movie." Said Cherry. "Me too girl, me too." I said as I pat her shoulder. While my eyes were laid on the screen I heard Cherry laugh as I see a boy talking to her. He fell off his chair as we all laughed.

   He got back up. "How do I know if this is your real hair, and it's not the hair on your... Your eyebrows." He said. Her smile faded away as she scoffs. He sits back and laughs.

   "Hey fuck off will ya?" I said to him. "Oh my my, you got me scared to death!" He said, sarcastically. "Good, all I gotta do is wait till you are dead." I said. "That's Dallas Winston, he just got out of jail or something." I whispered to Cherry.

   "Like that's gonna stop me." He said. "How about I take you out for a Coke or a 7-UP-" Cherry cuts him off, "Get lost hood!" She shouted. He jumps. I had to hold my laugh as I saw him go down and burn.

   "Alright I'm sorry, didn't think you'd be yelling in my face." He said as he stands up. "Alright I know when I'm not wanted." He said as he walks away.

    I look at Cherry. "That was incredible. I'm impressed. Wow, just wow." I pretend to worship. "Oh Y/n, that was nothing." She said. "Whatever you say, queen." I said and we look back at the screen.

    Dallas came back and handed us drinks. "Here's a drink to cool you down." He then sat next to Cherry. She looks at him and splashes him with the drink. I almost spit out my drink. He tried to kiss her and of course, I had to stop him.

   "Dude, get the hell off her. Or else." I said as I stood up. "Or else what? Huh?" He said. "Oh you're really asking me that huh? I may not be strong but at least I can speak facts, bitch!" I said.

   "Yeah, you're weak." He said. "At least I ain't a dumbass." "At least I dress like what I am." He said. "What? A fool? You sure do." I said as I laugh.

   "At least- at least I- oh forget it." He sits back down on his original seat. " That's what I thought." I said as I sat back down.

   "You've got a pretty face." He said, smirking.

   "Shut up, okay? This isn't a movie. What's on the screen is and I wanna watch it."

   "Alright, I'll find you though. I won't forget this." He said.

   "Good, remember it as the time you lost." I said. "Nah I'll remember it as the first time I saw a pretty lady beat me with words."

   "Shut yo main character ass up." I said.

This one is...idfk but yeah, just read it God damnit. Anyways, I'm starting to watch Peaky Blinders and its actually not that bad.
Except the fact that I'm speaking in a British accent irl and in my bloody head. I feel elite at times.....yeah.....

Enjoy the dumb fookin story

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