pony ~ common pt. 2

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pt 2 of my first ever ponyboy imagine.


I was laying down on my back at the park, smoking and just looking at the sky. I'm a big fan of the sky. It's so beautiful. The clouds, the blur color, the sunsets, the sunrise, the moon, the sun, and best of all the stars. Right now, I'm watching the clouds and trying to figure out what they look like.

A silhouette then blocks my way. I couldn't see who it was and got up. He was pretty tall.

"Hey, do you mind? I'm watching the clo- oh, hi Dallas." I said, laying back down. If you didn't know, me and Dallas dated for 2 months then broke up because we cheated on each other. Pretty funny to be honest.

"Hey, you remember my friend Ponyboy?" He said. "Yeah, what's up?" "Well you broke his heart but he still likes you and I HATE it when he's so emotion of something. And I just know you'll like him. I promise you will." He said. "Very funny but no thanks." I said, putting the smoke in my mouth.

"I ain't kidding. Please, just one date? I'll pay you." I got up straight away. "How much?" "How's 20?"





"40." I said and finally won. He gave me 40 bucks.

"Don't break his heart again. Ask him out tomorrow after school. Act really sorry and desprate or something. I don't know, you're a good actress. Just do whatever." He said. "Roger that. Now fuck off please. Tryna examine the clouds." I said. He then ran off and I can finally lie down peacefully.

• the next day, afterschool •

I saw Ponyboy 6 lockers away from mine. I walked to him and tapped him in the shoulder. He turned around and got real nervous.

"Hi Y/n, what's up?" He said, calmly. "Nothin' much. Can we talk?" "Sure." He said.

"Pony, I just wanted to say sorry for you know, stealing your best friend. I mean I could really tell that you liked me but I didn't feel it back then. Now I feel really bad and I was wondering if you could give me a second chance?" I said like I was in some drama.

He sighed and said, "Umm, I guess. Wheredya wanna go? Dingo? Park?" He asked, still a little pissed. "How about around town? Maybe we'd find some new things..." I said. He started to blush a little. "Sure, you wanna go now or..." "Yes now! C'mon!" I laughed as I grabbed his hand and we ran out of the school.

We walked around town as it was a little late but who cares anyway. It was a really fun time. We went to chase each other down at the park, we got some milkshakes at the Dingo, pissed off some Socs and found a place to sit down and watch the sunset.

"Didn't think you'd be this much fun." He said. "Is that a compliment or..?" I asked. "It's both I guess." "I'll take it." I said as I turn my head back to the sunset.

As I admire the sunset, feeling the heat on my skin and the wind blows my hair.

"Man I love the sky, it's just so pretty and relaxing to look at." I said. "Same, sunsets are one my favorite things about the sky." He said. I lay on my back looking up, he lays next to me doing the same thing.

I close my eyes. Everything felt like it wasn't there. Just me and Pony.

"I didn't think we'd have this much fun." I said to Pony, still closing my eyes. "Neither did I. Thought it'd be awkward but gladly not. Thought were completely different, well we are just one thing." He said. "And what is that?" I asked, eyes still closed.

"We both love everything about the sky." He said, I smile. I got back to meditating, taking in deep breaths and letting them out.

I felt a hand on my cheek and before I knew it, someone kissed me. Couldn't help but to kiss back. We pull away as I open my eyes. Ponyboy Curtis kissed me.

"One thing we both are." I said. "What?"

"Good kissers."


There ya go, a happy ending cause I felt bad for y'all. Anyways, much love, stay safe and PUHLEAASSEEE WEAR YO MASK RIGHT.

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