darry ~ can I?

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"Hey Y/n, can I borrow 10 bucks? I'm going to the Dingo" Pony asked. I pointed at the table where his lunch money was while I was reading the newspaper. He took it and went to DQ with Johnny and Two.

My beloved boyfriend, Darrel came in with two cups of coffee. One for him one for me. He gave the other cup to me as he sits next to me with his arms around me. I give him a kiss in the cheek as I sip my coffee.

"How was work? Any complaints?" I ask. "Ugh, it was a tough day. I'd say the same old complaints again. I think I got 3 of em'" he said. "Well, it won't change." I sigh.

"What about you, how's your day?" He asks. "Like I have a whole ass story everyday? Please, barely anything fun happened today but the boys annoying me by singing and Elvis song real loud." I said as he giggled. He kissed my head.

"Y/n?" "Yes my dear?" I said. "Would you marry me?" He asked. I was a little shocked and sat up a little, facing him. "Why would you ask me that?" I ask.

"Well I just wanted to know." He said. "Of course I'd marry you Dare, what a silly question." I said, looking back at my paper.

"Then let's get married." "What?" I said, almost spitting out my coffee. "Let's get married, right now. We don't need a wedding or a ring. We already have love." He said. "Well, I think we need just a little bit of time. What about the boys? Work? Bills?"

"First off. Baby, we've been together for 2 and a half years. Is that not enough?" "I guess so, but your brothers." "Hey, we can have a child once we're both ready. Maybe not right now, maybe not later but hopefully soon." He said, I thought about it for a while.

"So, whatdya say? Can I marry you?" He asks. What a gentleman he is.

"Of course you can." I said. He picks me up, spins me around a couple times as we both laugh. He gives me a long, passionate kiss. We pull away, laughing.

"I am so in love with you." He said.

"Oh, I know." I smirk.


Yellow, it's me again. Did you know that I haven't cried for 2 weeks and I've been holding it in? Well I just let it out which is good but idek know why I hold it in. Anyways, much love, stay safe and PLEASE WESR YOR FUCKING MASKS BIATCHES. thanks.

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