steve ~ alike

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   "Y/n, I'm in love." He said. "Yeah totally." "No I really am. I can't think of anyone else but Evie." He said.

   I scoff as I continued fiddling with hands. "I really like her man. Shes could be the best girlfriend I could ever have." He said.

   "Like when we hangout, it's pretty cool. We watched the sunset once, we kissed. She's a good kisser too. We watch the clouds, she likes to visit me at the DX sometimes. She's got like the cutest smile, she likes to watch my drag races." He said. "Once we were at this lake, when we watched the sunset. And it made me think, Tulsa ain't that bad you know?" He said. I look at him and I stood up.

   "Hey it might be just a little shitty but, there's some things you can enjoy here." He said. I scoff, "Really? You think Tulsa is not bad?" I said.

   "What the hell happened to you?" I said. "Did you not remember? We were buddies. Best of buds. All we did was similar. We talked alike, dressed alike, we even thought alike. and that was what made us so close. And the way you explained Evie, you think that girl can help you? If she leaves who do you have?" I said.

   "Sure you have your gang but does your gang know the things you've told me?" He shook his head. "You have me. If she hurts you, you go to me. Even if it's not her and you get hurt by someone, you go to me. Admit it, Steve. You're just lonely." I said.

   "No I'm not, I am in love with Evie and you can't change that." He said. "Okay, what if I leave. Huh? What if I leave this town? This fucking trash town, that you said wasn't so bad?" I said

   "You're saying she's supportive? You're saying she goes to your drag races? Visits you at the DX? Watched the sunset together?" I said. He stood silent.

   "The gang and I have been nothing but supportive and loving to you. I prepare you before your drag race, I visit you and Soda at the DX every single day afterschool, I watched the sunset with you anytime you wanted." I said.

   "And you..." I started. "Fuck you." I flip him off. "Look around Steve. This is nothing but a shit hole. This place doesn't even have good alcohol." I said.

   "Grow up, Steve. Everything in this town is shit. There's nothing to enjoy around here." I said. "You know what, just go have fun with Evie in this shit town. Don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart." I said, then I walked back home. He didn't bother to stop me, I didn't want him to anyway.


This story is inspired by the video above. Y'all gotta watch SLC Punk man. Shows a lot. Anyways, enjoy this story. It kinda sucks tbh, idk. But enjoy.

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