Chapter 1: 'Rude Worm'

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"RELOAD!" I screamed at my squad.
"I'm almost out," Mako yelled back and everyone seemed to have the same problem.
"SPLIT UP! And make sure to regroup at The Homestead in 05:00 hours. And try not to get killed... Jinora👀" I say glaring at her and she flashed me her slyest grin. That girl is addicted to almost getting killed. I just know it.

Well anyway... there were people firing at us from all sides. These fuckers must really be scared of us if they brought more than 10 men, ak-56s and a metal storm. It was havoc. Shots flying everywhere, people screaming, Jimora had found herself shot on the leg *rolls eyes* we had managed to duck behind an SUV while the shots poured down like Holy Manna on our asses and we were slowly being cornered.

Good call on the splitting up. My squad knows how to take care of themselves so, I duck outta there in the midst of the chaos. I 'borrow' a jacket from a punk and walk the other way hoping to not get noticed. The path leads me to a park, so I keep walking straight ahead *hehe* 'straight' I spot a girl reading a book so, I just start walking with her.

It seems she doesn't notice me so... I just keep walking. I look back to check the coast and it seemed clear enough. "Wow! That book must be really interesting, if you haven't noticed me walking with you for the past 5 minutes." I say to the stranger whose carrying a huge ass book probably around 500 pages thick kinda book, with glasses on. All I can see is her side profile and her beautiful raven hair... and I must say... jawline, Immaculate!

The sweetest voice snaps me out of my trance, "Oh, I noticed you. I just hoped you'd move on and leave me the heck alone to read my book and whatever pick up line you were thinking of... save it. I'm not interested." Ouch! Rude much?!
She's my soulmate 😩 *mentally clutches heart*
"Well, okay then Rude worm... I'll leave. But who said I wanted to ask you out?" That stops her in her tracks and she... blushes? yeah... Still got it.

"See ya later then, Rude worm." I bow, salute and turn the other way. At that I take out my phone; "Meeting at mine in an hour. We gotta make some bitches pay."

*The Homestead*
"You found 'em yet? Or do I gotta do this one myself?" I ask Opal while shrugging off that monstrosity of a jacket I 'borrowed'.

"It was Phil." Opal said with a sad face. Phil ran one of our operations downtown. He was in business with my dad hence I got mad respect for the dude and he may be greedy, but tryna get me killed even he's not that foolish is he? "You sure?"
"Positive, I have double checked the info 5 times now. The revolvers used were of our origin and that execution style is his. He likes to corner prey like a pride of lions does."

"Well, then get The Calvary. We ride tomorrow as he has his monthly meet with his crew. No fuck ups. Wait for my instructions."

*Downtown Triads Warehouse*

Music is booming, there's girls everywhere shaking their asses bouncing their titts and most of all there's booze and the traditional gambling that happens every month this meet takes place. The triads meet and they let go of all cares in the world.
Everything was going good until the music cut off and groans, boo!s and complaints filled the room. What stood before them was the one and only Korra. And she wasn't alone, she had 3 of her bozos with her or at least according to Phil they were.
He stood up and went up to the short woman with her hair half up and half down, the black slacks, the black jacket, the white t-shirt she almost looked intimidating. Key word being almost.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here after you almost met your ancestors a few days ago, especially outnumbered." Phil roared out laughing causing laughter to fill the warehouse. "You're either really stupid or really keen on dying either way... I will enjoy watching you linger between life and death after I put a bullet in that thick head of yours." with that he took out his golden pistol and cocked it.

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