Chapter 27: Explanations

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Hiroshi laid in his cell, book on his chest. He thought about that day 3 years ago...


"Our little game was on this entire time. First thing was making you see that you were not in control. Which is why I predicted you would pick the easy way out. Which is assassination, and where my good friend Mako would come in. I made sure you would contact him, specifically. My second in command. All that just to see that look of defeat on your face when you realised that I wasn't dead, right as you were celebrating my death because you underestimated me." Korra paused a moment.

"Second thing was showing you, you could lose everything. Just like I almost did. And seeing that look on your faces when they announced that you had donated everything to Goodwill..." She snickered.

"Priceless. Yes. Just like the look Suko's making right now. And you couldn't even get it back because I know you care about your image and reputation more than everything. Which is why I just had to go for it next. By sending someone to ignite that fire. Unfortunately, Alakard tried being a hero and got hurt. You remember the texts Hiro? Just how, when they were with you they said something else and then when they were with the Police they said something else? Again, you needed to see. You were not in control. My game. My rules." Korra moved and laid her hands on the table between them.

"I mean I could've taken your wife had she not known about what happened with my parents. But she was the devil who shot my mom in the first place, That could never work. I had to push you. Push you so far you would do anything. Hence the constant progressive torture. Although I must admit, I may for the most part have done that for my own satisfaction. Just to see you suffer more." She smiled at Yasuko who shifted uncomfortably on her chair.

"I needed you broken mentally, physically and psychologically, plus I promised it to you. And I always keep my promises. Every move you made is a move I anticipated and awaited. Just like that meeting with Amon." The Satos looked at each other as if to ask who snitched.

"Well, he sent someone to kill me. Then after I foiled his plan. In order for him not to perish he had to listen. Which is why and how he came up with the plan of following Asami to my family house. To the scene of the first crime. You think Amon is so smart he could think of all that himself?" Korra asked rhetorically,

"So, everything... you.." Yasuko pointed at Korra doubtingly.

"Yes, I planned it. All of it. It was part of our game after all." Korra finished off her sentence.

"And Hiro over there concluded our game today, when he tried to off himself." She chuckled.

"You did what?!" Yasuko asked Hiroshi. "I needed it to end Suko." He cast his eyes down. That was a habit of his nowadays.

"I promised you, that this game of ours would break you to the point where you would seek death but, it would illude you. Death itself would escape you. Just like it escaped him. Although I did like seeing him linger between life and death... Death would be too easy for you guys." Korra was interrupted by

Yasuko speaking, "There's More? Haven't we been through enough? You said the game was over and that if I told the truth you would set us free. Wasn't that a promise?" She was in now in tears pleading.

"Nope. Our game ends here. I remember saying maybe I'd set you free. Don't put words in my mouth Suko. If it were a promise it would be something else. Anyways, Congratulations. You made it to the last level. I didn't think you would. There was a 14% chance one of you would be dead by now. But, even then I still won." Korra grinned.

"How? You're still dead?" Yasuko asked smiling a bit for the first time in this conversation. Hiroshi looked up at Yasuko and appreciated her balls. But they were not needed at this moment not with this woman.

"Are you sure about that? How sure are you that after I made the game. Manipulated it so it would go how I want it. When I wanted it. From where you would shoot, while the world watched you. Down to having my Godfather as your judge. What could stop me from being alive right. At. This. Moment? I mean even if I was and you knew for certain that I was in fact alive... who would believe you? The world saw you shoot me in the skull Sato." Korra asked leaning on the table making the Satos get back with each of her movement.

"But, then again all I wanted was justice for my parents. No matter the cost. Seeing you suffer for the rest of your lives will bring me eternal joy. Because I made sure that you would live for very long time. Here..." Korra waved her arms around the place, "You will get the best and the worst treatment of your life. They will give you the best medical care. They'll destroy you and build you up themselves and I mean that  in a very unpleasant manner. So, get comfortable. It's gonna be a long few decades." Korra got up and went into the darkness again.

Minutes passed. The Satos trying to understand what was happening and what they had just heard...

Guards barged in to take them away...

*end of flashback*

That was the last day Hiroshi had seen Yasuko or Korra. He's spent years trying to pick part everything she told them. And knowing her the only conclusion he could come to was, Korra was very much alive. How she did everything well, she is a tech mogul. One thing he knew for sure was anything is possible with that woman.

A/N: special shout-out to kyoshisimp12 for always giving me life in the comments😄

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