Chapter 18: Level Three: ENDURANCE

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In the course of the next few weeks The Satos tried to change the locks into Asami's apartment, even going as far as installing fingerprint locks. Their only mistake being they were AITech meaning Korra had access to it anyway.

Which meant more surprise visits. They even tried moving back to their old house. The one in the slumps they swore they would never go back to.

Trouble is... Korra always found them and they had to give in to the game because sooner or later Hiroshi would run out of limbs and find himself in a coffin.

Korra had come back for Hiroshi's knee next. On the same leg she shot the foot. She got in when they had told themselves they were safe because they had barricaded everything and changed the locks but, like a cold sore Korra appeared out of nowhere.

She then came for his thigh. "You know... you're making this way more fun than I thought it would be. Even your kid didn't give me such a run around. But then again, she also didn't kill my parents." That was Korra sitting on the couch of their old home.

"How d'you find us?" was all Yasuko could ask defeated. "OH, baby. You know the answer to that. And I must admit the chase adds some spice and adventure to the mix. Where's Hiro by the way? We've got an appointment." Korra said grinning menacingly.

Hiroshi was in the bedroom living through his pain. Korra allowed them to go to the hospital but, didn't allow him to take any pain medication so, his stitches hurt like a bitch.

All the wounds were flesh wounds except for the foot one which went through the roof of the foot and out through the back.

"Let me guess you're going for the hip next?" Yasuko said pouring herself some cheap wine. Something she wouldn't be caught dead drinking just less than six months before.

Korra clapped all of a sudden startling Yasuko and making her spill some of her wine, "DING! DING! DING! WE HAVE A WINNER LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" She stood up and turned in Yasuko's direction.

"I was beginning to think I'd have to put dear Hiro in a wheelchair or a coffin..." Korra started walking over to the older woman, "...I was beginning to think you wanted him gone so, you could have me all to yourself... because you see, I think you enjoy this. You enjoy someone else having this much power over you. I see a power bottom when I spot one." Yasuko shivered at how close Korra was getting.

Did she really enjoy all this? That would be a whole new level of sick. Plus, those urges are things she buried deep inside her. Upon hearing that her daughter had the same urges, she was a little bit sad that she didn't explore that part of her as bravely as Asami did. Not that she didn't love Hiroshi, she loved the man with all her heart but right at that moment all she felt was a second heartbeat and how close Korra was to her back. Everything in her told her to fight her. Kill her at that very moment but she knew better. She didn't want to die nor wanted for whatever was happening to stop without seeing where it went.

She could feel Korra's hot breath on her back. The gun she had strapped in her front of her pants after getting up from the couch... Korra was so close Yasuko could feel it on her back.

"It's always the homophobic ones..." Yasuko tensed up at that but Korra continued, "Oh! No judgement. I mean you're the more mature version of Asami so, since I can't have her..." Korra held her waist sending shivers all over her body all over again, "I could have you. Right here, right now~"

Yasuko had to hold on to the table for balance, how could a child have such a hold on her? She didn't know a lot at that moment but, all she wanted was just that. Which may be why she let a desperate moan slip out her mouth and then slapped her mouth shut with her hand.

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