Chapter 21: Ashes to Ashes

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Asami's POV.

Today we lay the love of my life to rest. A part of me still believes she'll show up asking me why I'm crying because I know very well that she doesn't like seeing me cry. But, No. My heart in human form lays in a white casket surrounded by flowers and people dressed in blue and white.

I have been going on but, I don't even know how I'm going to keep living without...

"It's time." Varrick interrupted my thoughts. There were a lot of people here. One person I didn't think I'd see again... Zuko and his father, they came with some other people I assume are their family members.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here to celebrate the life of Korra Waterson. The other half of Amara Waterson. She leaves behind a legacy of love, brothers, sisters, a wife and her companion Naga."

I couldn't listen anymore as I saw everyone. Naga hadn't eaten anything in days weeping for Korra. She's since run away and no one knows where she is. I failed Korra with the one thing she asked and entrusted me with...

Third POV.

Asami was looking head on blankly, tears streaming down her face. A lot of people came forward to speak about how Korra helped them be better... She didn't hear any of it as like all the days before she was merely there in body.

There were a lot of people at the stadium with the family and friends next to the coffin.

Bolin and Opal were in each other's arms crying. Mako hadn't shed even a single tear ever since he heard. He completely shut off. Amara was a whole different story she was a mess. Crying until there were no more tears left to cry then she would wail when the tears dried up.

*The homestead*

The crew and all summoned members were there for the reading of the will.

When everyone was sat a monitor started playing, "If you're seeing this then, I'm gone. I promise if there was any other way to do this, I would've took it. I apologize. I now ask one thing that you take care of each other. Asami, My heart. I love you. More than words can express but, this video will reveal somethings about me and my life.

Amara I hope that you will forgive me mntakababa. *means sister* To your left you will see a boy, who is the spitting image of me. Maybe even you because we kinda share a face. His name is Koreen Waterson. Your little brother. As you know Mom was pregnant in her demise. She begged me to save him that day and I did all I could.

I could not show him to you or the world in fear that those that killed mom and dad would come for him to. And before bringing their killers to justice I couldn't risk his life and yours by showing him."

Amara turned tears in her eyes, "Korra." The little boy tried speaking. Amara couldn't hold in the tears anymore she cried holding him close kissing him all over his face making him giggle, "No, baby, I'm Amara. your older sister."

"Mara?" They all turned to the screen when it said, "Next to him is his caregiver, Katara, our gran gran.

Please keep each other safe. Bolin wipe those tears you look ugly as fuck bro. *korra laughed* Bolin chuckled and wiped his tears. I'm gonna need you to be strong Bo. Opal will need you as she'll take over the tech part of the operation. You will take care of the East You will know more on your personal video.

Mako now takes over everything so, Big guy, Cry. Do it. I know you haven't. You will need to take over everything from me. And you can't do that carrying around grief. Trust me I know. GHOST will make contact. The Bratva will have already tried something but, you'll know how to deal with them and everyone else in your personal video.

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