Chapter 9: Am I vanilla?

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Asami's POV.

It's been two weeks after my very traumatic kidnapping. I still can't believe I was actually kidnapped. My life feels like a whole movie at this point. All Korra gave me as an explanation was, "I'll tell it all to you later... It's a trust thing..."

*scoffs* Like I don't deserve to know everything after literally being taken against my will. The audacity of that woman. She still doesn't trust me?! I was kidnapped because of her. Aren't life threatening situations supposed to bring more trust and love between couples? No, not between me and my Korra.

Anyways, I just left it alone, because I am alive today because of her and can only hope that she'll trust me enough one day.

I had to go to the mall for some shopping. With my own money by the way. If Korra had it her way she would have me use the card she gave me. I have my own money which means, I'm not with her for money. If I want her to trust me she has to see that.

I went in to this one store, which sells sexy undergarments. Maybe I can surprise my baby. I was looking in the store when someone bumped into me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." I said to the woman while fixing my glasses. She was tall, green eyes not like mine but yeah. Black wavy hair. This woman was literal perfection. Like a Victoria's secret model.

"With such big glasses, I highly doubt it." She said looking me up and down. "Wait, you must be that girl." She said snickering. Confusion. She must have the wrong person.

"Yeah, you are Korra's new flavour of the month." She said laughing again. That made me angry for many reasons. I don't even know her. Does Korra know her? Of course she does, Korra's only dated 'Models' before.

"Well, enjoy her while you still have her. I know she'll come to me, a real woman..." she paused and picked on the lingerie I had with her manicured fore finger. " least one who can pick her taste in lingerie. You know what? I bet you can't even satisfy her. You seem very vanilla to me." she laughed again.

"I guess, she'll be back to me sooner than I expected. She always comes right back to me, her Kuv. No one satisfies her like I do." she puffed her chest, While she booped my glasses and strutted out of the store.

Leaving me dumfounded and somewhat embarrassed, would Korra really not like this piece? I just left it there and called Korra telling her I'd be there in 3 hours.


Korra's POV.

It has been two weeks. TWO. Since I put my baby in danger. I was angry for the first weeks but now, all I feel is guilt. She was hurt because of me. I've been blasting metal music and punching this bag for I don't know how long.

Then suddenly the music shuts off. "You know this isn't healthy right?" That was Amara. I took off the gloves and was left with the hand wrappings.

I sat down and she came and put her arm around me and I just broke down.

"It was my fault. I'm useless! She deserves so much better..." I said between sobs.

"She loves you and I know for a fact that she doesn't blame you but, that Zuko. It was his fault plus, we both know you don't deserve her, but you deserve being happy. She makes you happy. She loves you, you dummy! Talk with her." Amara said.

"Aren't you supposed to be cheering me up?" I look up at her with tears in my eyes. she scoffs, "Of course, but I won't lie to you. That woman loves you. She won't even tell me what happened because of her loyalty to you and you know I love my tea." She said shaking my shoulders.

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