New Beginings

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Great. It's 7 in the morning and the sun light has already began to creep through the gaps in between my curtains, letting me know the day has begun. I love the sunlight, just the way it brighten and warms everything it touches, somehow making me feels safer and happier as if it takes over any evil and darkness it comes across.

Dragging myself out of bed I yank myself over to my bath room and begin to groom myself ready for the first day back at school. I wasn't overly exited about going back to school, having to sit through lessons with teachers droning on all day, but it would be nice to get things back to normal after the crazy stuff from last year.

After the death of Allison and Aidan, Lydia had been devastated and found comfort in the hell hound deputy Parrish. Their relationship was secret as technically Lydia was underage but Parrish had stopped ageing when he was a minor so to the pack it wasn't to weird, plus we all know Lydia is very mature for her age and he makes her happy so who would we be to ruin that. Scott and Kira finally made things official and let's just say we are all thankful for it. Towards the end of the vacation Liam and Theo came out as gay, as if there was any question, and announced they were together, somehow I think they help each other. Then there is Malia and myself, we've been an on and off hook up for a while now but we both have to admit there is just no romantic connection anymore.

I throw on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a blue checkered shirt before grabbing the keys to my jeep and walking down stairs and out the door, to my beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, blue jeep. Who need a girl when I have this, I slide in and start making my way to school.

Ugh. History first. Walking into Mr. Yukimura's class I spot Scott and the pack sitting at the back of the class room, Scott and Kira staring into each others souls as usual. Perching myself in a seat behind Scott, I turn to Lydia who is violating shaking her leg and tapping the floor.

'Lydia?... Lydia, are u okay?' I whisper, trying not to cause any unwanted attention. 'Yeh I'm fine, I just have a weird feeling that's all' she says not looking up from her desk.

Before I can ask anything more Mr. Yukimura clears his throat and we all look up to see him with his hand on an unfamiliar girls shoulder.

'Good morning class and welcome back, I'm sure you're all thrilled to be back' he breaths sarcastically, 'this is Lena Sutton, she is a new student here from England and I want you all to show her that American is not as bad as it seems' smiling he gestures for her to take a seat. Lena takes a moment, peering around the room before making her way to an empty seat two seats away from Scott.

Leaning back in my chair I observe the new British girl, there was something off about her, what was it, she was very pretty with her curly pink hair and dark mysterious eyes and perfect olive skin, however she's sitting in her chair as if she's in pain.

Taking more detailed observation I realise that Lena was tightly gripping her chair with one hand and biting her nails with her other, maybe she was just nervous? Suddenly she did something that made me question more, she squinted her eyes tight shut for about 3 seconds whilst completely covering her mouth with her hand.

All of a sudden I was snapped out of my gaze from the ringing of the bell for break, I looked down a my page for a brief second before looking back up to where Lena was sitting, however she wasn't there, I peered around the classroom but she had vanished, how strange.

The hallways were busy as the pack split up to visit their lockers, mine had been moved far away after an incident last year were they were set on fire so now I was across the school from everyone else. Approaching my locker I saw Lena come into view playing with the dial on the locker beside mine.

'Hey' I chirped wanting to make a good first impression, 'I'm stiles, I  sit behind you in history class' she looked up from her locker.

'Stiles? That's a name?' She asked taking me back a little, her British accent was strange, it wasn't posh how I had imagined it.

'Uh yeh it's a nickname my birth name is Mieczyslaw but it's hard for people to pronounce so it's just stiles... Stiles Stilinski'

'Wow your parents must hate you' she giggles holding out a hand, 'my names Lena, Lena Stutton'

'Yes well your names much easier to say, nice to meet you' I laugh shaking the girls hand before quickly pulling away. 'My god your hand is so cold... are u okay?' Her face turns from a friendly smile to a serious almost scary look.

'Yeh I'm fine, guess you're just really warm, hey I'm having a party this weekend.. you and what ever friends you have should come' she quickly changed the subject before a light smile re-appeared on her face.

'Of course that would be great, I'll tell my friends, they would love to meet you' I reply politely before hearing Lydia behind me.

'Stiles!' She exclaims jumping on my back and swinging on my shoulders,she paused almost at once when she was Lena. 'Oh hey, Lena right? I'm Lyd-' she sheepishly said

'Yeh hey, I know who you are Lydia Martin' Lena glared back at Lydia stepping back.

'Oh how is it you know me? You've been here what three hours' I didn't understand what was happening they had just met and there was so much tension between them.

' I knew your grandmother, look I've got to go, I'll hope to see you both at my my party this weekend' Lena finally spoken never taking her eyes off Lydia whilst handing me a piece of paper. The paper contained and address and phone number I look back up but Lena was gone all that was left was a white looking Lydia.

'I have a weird feeling about her' the red head uttered still white as a sheet as Scott and Kira joined us.

'Who's this about?' Scott asked with his usual soft yet concerned face. I went to speak but Lydia beat me to it.

'Lena. I have a really weird feeling around her' she trailed off,

'what kind of feeling' I questioned her, taking her hand in mine to comfort her.

Slowly, she glared up at me tears in her eyes 'like death!' she whispered.

We all looked at each other, this can't be good.

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