Blood Sucker

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No no no no

'What the hell is this?' Scott was standing just a few meters away with Liam and Malia at his side all of them holding stakes. Harshly Lena pushed me away and removing her legs from my waste now standing on her own and looking very embarrassed, she bowed her head to look at the ground.

'Scott I can explain' I finally sigh after a few moments of awkward silence.

'What that you've been fucking the blood sucker?' Malias voice echoed, 'she's a blood sucking bitch who would kill everyone if she could'

Without warning Lena was suddenly standing across the room her hand around Malias neck and a load bang echoed though the halls as the was slammed up against the wall.

'Blood sucking bitch? Hunny u have no idea how bitchy I can be' Lena laughed lifting Malia up the wall slightly.

Helplessly I watches as Scott stalked towards them his stake raised, a part of me wanted to shout over and warn Lena but I pushed it away and kept my mouth shut. Rapidly Scott dug it into Lenas back and she yelped loosening her grip on Malia and she quickly slipped away behind Liam.

'They all want you dead Lena, don't give me a reason to make their wishes true' Scott spoke in his normal soft voice, the stake still in Lenas back and she had one hand pressed up on the wall wincing in pain.

'Why are you really here Lena and why wont you leave?' he questioned.

'F-f-fuck y-you' Lena stuttered, but Scott only pressed the stake in further causing the girls knees to buckle and groan in pain again. Cautiously I made my way over to Scott and put my hand on this shoulder,

'Scott there's something you should know' I began

'Not now Stiles, I don't care why you wa-'

'Just shut up and listen it's about Lenas diary things' I continued, raising my voice slightly clearly showing my annoyance.

'Stiles please don't say anything' Lenas croaky voice interrupted me and In a sudden flash of rage I marched other to her slapping my hand over her mouth and holding her against my chest. Quickly I reached into my pockets and pulled out the small syringe of vervain before putting it into her arm and allowing her to weaken in my arms.

Clearly everyone was just as shocked as I was at my sudden actions but I shrugged it off as Lena still struggled against me. 'As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Lena told me that the writing is in Latin and that it's about witches because yes they are also a thing now'

Scott just stared at me clearly lost for words,

'and the best part is that our little vampire here isn't just a vampire, no no no, she is also a fucking werewolf' I was suddenly aware that I was shouting now with three pares of eyes gawking at me.

Stiles just changed everything. Early I hadn't gotten the chance to ask him not to tell anyone but obviously my wishes did not concern him at all, it's not like we were making out less than ten minutes ago. Suddenly all the attention in the room turned to me with stiles large hand still covering my mouth and my body relying on him to stay standing up right.

Oddly I almost enjoyed this, being so close to him, completely vulnerable, my safety in his hands. I can here the boys heart racing, beating so fast it was as if it was going to explode, I assumed Scott could hear it as well as he had a look of concern on his face.

'Stiles calm down, let go of Lena and let us handle her' Scott finally said, I wanted to retaliate about his intention to "handle" but Stiles obviously expected this and pushed his hand harder against my mouth and tightened his grip on me.

'What are you gonna do Scott?' Stiles began, 'you gonna lock her up? Kill her? Ask her nicely to leave? No..' It didn't even sound like stiles anymore.

His voice was deeper and had much more of an edge, however the sarcasm was still clearly present.

'Stiles man calm down, this isn't you' Scott replied, 'have you been taking your medication?'

Slowly I felt Stiles hand move away from my mouth and use it to lower me onto the ground, aware that I couldn't stand.

'I'm sorry' is all he said before backing up and Malia rushing over to comfort him.

Quietly I sat on the ground for a few moments, comprehending what had just happened and what to say next. The familiar chill of the tunnel floor reminded me that if I didn't comply I would be locked back up or killed.

Neither of those sounded great to me.

'So Lena... I think it's time you explain!'

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