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Four thirty, we've been at Scott's house for about two hours now trying to figure out what Lena is or what she knows.

Scott, Liam, Malia and Theo have all confirmed that she is not a werewolf as her sent does not match one, however they also detected that she doesn't exactly seem human either.

Suspicion has always been there from Lydia who describes Lena's vibes as deathly and traumatic, which we concluded not helpful as anyone who has lost someone special could give that off.

'There's a heart beat outside' Scott suddenly looks up from the book I gave he that Lena had been carrying around.

'I hear it to' Malia says standing up now, the door suddenly wings open before we hear it slam shut.

Cautiously, Scott stands up making his way over to the door way of the kitchen, when a short figure appears.

'Deton, omg you scared us' he breaths as the figure steps into the light of the kitchen revealing himself as Scott's work boss Dr. Deton. I'll admit I'm so glad to see him, he seems to always know everything.

'I think that I may know what Lena is' he throws a newspaper article onto the table.

Oh my goddd.

'A vampire, that's awesome!' Liam practically screams, Theo laughs but the rest of us give them a concerned look.

Liams right though, this is amazing if it's even true however its extremely dangerous for us and this town. Who knows what's she can do.

'Well how should we deal with her?' Malia looks to Scott who's studying the newspaper and other notes Deton has thrown onto the table.

'Well it says here that they feed on human blood and it's an almost uncontrollable lust, it makes them stronger, faster, able to hear further and the ability to heal faster' he says never taking his eyes off the article.

I pick up some of the sheets of paper and begin to read them for myself until I stumble on some information that makes my blood run cold,

'S-Scott' I begin and he looks up at me with a worried look.

'It.. it says here that vampires also have the ability to control people's mind through compulsion' I looks over to Deton for answers I know he already has due to his calm, posture.

'Mind compulsion is a unique ability of the supernatural that only vampires are able to preform' he starts in a soft tone, 'it's useful for them as it enables them to take the memory of themselves away from people keeping their existence a secret'

'Because they are immortal?' Scott interrupts,

'exactly, they live forever so if someone recognises them years later they can just remove the memory. However it can be used to control a person, they can compel a human to do what ever they want' Deton explains alarming us all a bit more.

'Well the immoral thing explains how she knew my Grandmother' Lydia begins to connect the dots, 'I wouldn't be surprised if she knew I was a banchee'

'If she has the power of mind control she could already know everything about us and has just taken away the memory of her asking us' Scott points out sheepishly.

'That's not entirely true, vampires can't compel any other supernatural being' Deton cuts in before the pack all turn to look at me, shit.

'That bitch has been in my head! Can I not just be in control of my own thoughts for once' I feel my body begin to heat up and they rage trying to claw its way out.

This is unbelievable, I knew there were holes in my memory from the party and I bet she used me to find out about the pack. She's knows everything and has been messing with us.

'Stiles, Stiles calm down it will be okay. We'll find a way to deal with it' Scott starts, 'Deton? Is there any way we can get any lost memories back and keep Lena out of Stiles's head?'

'As a matter of fact, I have read about a weakness of vampires' Deton pulls a small baggy out of his pocket filled with some kind of herb,

'vervain, it's a herb and as long as it's on you in any kind of way they can't compel you' Deton says before taking the herb and crushing it up on the table.

We all sit there quietly as Deton then proceeds to run a glass of water and dumps the vervain inside if it. 'Stiles, drink this and she won't be able to get in your head anymore' I take the glass from him and down the water.

'Thanks' I breath still trying to calm myself down from my little void outburst, even now that fucking dark spirit still has a hold on me, amplifying and trace of anger.

'We still need proof that Lena is a vampire and that this stuff works, so when she gets her I'll put a little bit in her drink and we'll see her reaction' Scott says looking at the clock. She'll be here in about 10 minutes and I can't lie I am extremely nervous.

'Stiles! For gods sake slow your heart rate down, if she hears that she'll be onto us in a second' Theo shouts at me from across the kitchen, I feel the anger boiling up in me once again but I try to control it as much as possible, pushing it deep inside.

'THEO SHUT THE FUCK UP!' okay so it didn't work 'YOURE NOT THE ONE WHOS HEAD IS CONSTANTLY BEING INVADED BY SUPERNATURAL BEINGS SO SHUT YOUR LITTLE WEREWOLF ASS UP OR IMMA STICK A BRANCH OF WOLFBAIN SO FAR UP IT YOU-' Scott grabs my arms and pulls me away from Theo, I hadn't realised how close I had gotten to him and whole pack was staring at me

'I'm sorry' I say and he looks at me with soft eyes almost understandingly.

'Guys as much as I would love to talk about Theo's ass, I think Lena is here' Liam says and we all hear a car pull up outside.

Here we go...

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