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Uncomfortably, standing I watch the girl careful trying to tell weather or not this was a difficult subject to talk about or if she as enjoying the discomfort in the room.

She looked so beautiful sitting there, I know I shouldn't think about this kind of thing but I couldn't help myself. She was gorgeous. All I wanted to do was pull her up out of her seat forcing her to wrap her amazing thighs around my waste, grinding on me as she did so and then crashing my lips onto her so that I could hear her moan into my mouth.

'Stilinski!' ugh and I can just imagine her mesmerising British accents screaming my name as I-

'Are you bloody deaf Stilinski!' Oh so she actually was screaming my name just not in the way I wanted.

'Yes I am, common get in with your little story time' I mocked trying to hide my embarrassment even though a smirk still formed on Lenas pink lips.

'Right so through the trial they decision that they would create a spell that would allow them to control my werewolf side' Lena began taking in a deep breath, 'it took them a while to come up with the perfect curse but when they finally perfected it I had just turned seventeen and let's just say I wasn't the happiest teenager in the world and I had killed about a dozen people in some flashes of rage',

'You killing people, what a surprise' Theo chirped

'Shut your mouth Theo unless you wanna be my next victim'

'Go on Lena, ignore him and tell us what exactly this curse is' Scott stepped in.

'Right yes, so the curse is all contained in this chain, necklace thing that I can't take off, it basically acts like a collar or a leash that you'd put on a dog. The witches thought they were hilarious' shifting in her seat she pulled out a chain from under her shirt that I recognised and new she always wore, it was silver and seemed to have been decorated with some black and red charms.

'Yeh I put some charms on it to make it more attractive' she rolled her eyes before putting the chain back under her top. 'Basically the curse means that I can't turn at my own will or have any of the werewolf perks unless the person with the other part allows it. It's also tied to my witch side so they would draw on my power but I'll go into that in a minute. Before you ask, no I cannot take it off, yes it's very painful and I feel like I have a huge void inside of me that I can't feel' she have a small sarcastic smile before quickly moving on.

'After the witches let me back into the community I immediately started to think of ways I could make this better for myself and get away from them, it was hard as I was weak and not I control of any part of myself. However in some books I was reading I saw something about vampires and that if a witch became one of them that they would loose all their witch abilities' she was now genuinely smiling and leaning back into her seat.

'That's actually very smart, if you're not a witch then they can't draw on your power' Lydia said standing up,

'Exactly but I was still an out of control werewolf so they would never willingly give me back my freedom so I decided to take a risk, become a vampire and see how much leash that gave me'

'Hmmm so I assume it gave you enough to get away and do you're own thing, you're just now stuck a vampire.' Lydia looked so fascinated,

'Yes but if came with consequences. I didn't realise how painful it would be and how empty I would feel after becoming a vampire, let's just say that didn't help with the extreme blood lust' Lena walked over to a wall behind her chair mimicking my actions earlier and leaning up against it.

'So if you're life or after life is so miserable why not just drive a stake through your own heart?' I questioned, she had told me that she didn't want to die or that she couldn't but if she was so empty why wouldn't she.

'Another fun little witch trick, when I die I'll go to the ancestral realm where I will be caught between that and the living world for eternity whilst the witches can once again draw on my power. Only this time I won't be able to get away and well I'm sure you can understand why that scares me, but it should scare you as well. Who knows what those freaks will do with access to that much power'

'I suppose that's a pretty decent reason to live or whatever you're doing' this was kinda weird, is it okay to say she's living or that's she's dead, it's a very complicated situation.

'Yes Stilinski, I'm living technically so just say that' she laughed rolling her eyes at me and smirking knowing that I hate when she does that to me, I just wanted go grab her by her pretty little neck and slam her against the wa-

'Anywaysss, I became a vampire, ran away, ended up not being able to control that as well, tried to find a way to get revenge, end this curse and die. All that led me here where I just felt drawn to, I was travelling in the states and the closer I got the more I wanted to come here so I packed my bags and here I am!' Lena stood up straight waving her arms around with a very sarcastic smile on her face,

'and obviously this has just been the highlight of my life'.

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