Star Crossed Lovers

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~ this chapter is kinda short and confusing as it does slot of explaining but plz just bare with ad it's a main part of the whole story :) ~

So this was it.

I'm about to tell a group of teenagers my whole life story so that they don't try and kill me again.

Where did I go so wrong.

Scott had taken me back to the room where we had previously been as it was still day time outside and Theo had my daylight ring,


Hesitantly, I take a seat on a wooden chair, whilst Scott and Malia did the same, Liam leaves the room to take a phone call and Stiles leans up against the wall not looking anyone in the eye. Awkwardness fills the room like a bad smell which I'm sure is pretty accurate for the wolves. Quiet footsteps can be heard from outside before Liam reappears causing everyone to look up at him.

'When can they get here?' Scott questioned

'Literally five minutes, they were already on their way' the betas small voice answered walking over to a table before pulling his small body up to sit on it.

'Who's coming?' I ask, now wondering if I said that to casually for the situation,

'The others' Stiles snapped, my flared my eyes at him clearly signalling fuck you.

Tensely we sat in silence for a few moments before we could finally hear what sounded like three other people coming through the tunnels. One by one the other members of Scott's pack made their way into the room, first Lydia then Kira followed by Theo,

'wow Lena you look like shit, so do u Stilinski' he smirked,

'Watch it Raeken' Stiles gave him a dirty look before returning his glare to the ground.

Quickly they all took a seat, Kira next to Scott, Theo practically on Liam and Lydia next to Malia, Stiles still stood at the other end of the room leaning against the wall looking hot as fuck.

Desperately I wanted to know what was going on in his head, was that kiss just a distraction, did he have some kind of feelings for me, who's? I want to know so badly but i the one thing I do know is that someone like him, never opens up.

Confidently, I lent forward in my chair causing Scott to raise an eyebrow, 'So Scott what do u wanna know?'

'Everything, what you are, what's in those books and why you're here?' he says looking around the room for everyone else's approval before nodding.

'Alright' I sit back and nod taking in a deep breath,

'My parents died when I was super young, I killed my mother when she was giving birth to me. She was special because she was part of one of the oldest witch covens of her time whi-'

'Wait hold up, you're part witch? How is that possible' Stiles suddenly interrupted,

'Shut the fuck up and listen and you'll find out dickhead' i snarled before continuing,

'so yes my mother was a witch making me a witch to but my farther is who makes this most interesting, he was a werewolf beta who was part of an old pack who lived as slaves to the witch coven. This divided the two supernatural beings but some how my parents found each other and yanno fell in love and all that shit.' I rolled my eyes at the idea,

'My entire existence was meant to be impossible but my parents thought that a child born of both world would bring them together so she created a spell that could allow the child to take on both supernatural forms and then out popped me killing her on the way out' i smiles looking around at the horrified faces,

'any questions or can I continue' I smirked,

'Carry on' Lydia whispered,

'After I was born my farther was locked up and tortured for his so called crimes, I was brought up as a witch and had a spell put on me to suppress my werewolf side. Until I turned fifteen and I managed to break the spell unleashing my untamed werewolf side. I'm sure you can imagine where that led to, I killed eighteen witches and twenty wolves that night before they would get enough wolves bane in me to pass out. After that I spent just over a year locked up in a cellar with only a single window, it was dark and cold all year round but the worst part was the silence' I thought I could feel tears forming in my eye but I swiftly pushed them down,

'when I was finally brought out I was sixteen but I wasn't released for a birthday party, god no. Turns out my farther had died from some injuries that he god from other locked up witches and werewolves who where the families of the people I killed. Not long after that cheerful funeral a trial was set for me in deciding what to do and we'll that's when the fun really begins'

Everyone was now staring at me with there mouths wide open including Theo which surprised me. Stiles stood up straight now although he looked extremely uncomfortable,

'Is she telling the truth' he croaked looking over to Scott,

'Every word...'

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