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This week has been very different to what I had expected , I thought starting off at a new school would be good for me and something about beacon hills just felt right. I should have known I'd run into a Martin and considering the way she reacted I guessed she was a banchee just like her grandmother. Perfect.

After Monday's events I have only spoken to Stiles a few times, usually by the lockers, he has assured me that him and his friends would be attending the party on Friday. I couldn't help but feel excited that Stiles would be at my house, I had been studying the strange boy over the past week, he spent a lot of time with his friends, Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia, Theo and the younger boy Liam. I had observed that he was very close to the equally strange brunette Malia and a assume that they are or have dated, much to my disappointment, I have also watched lots of the lacrosse practices at the school and I have to admit stiles looked good when he's all hot and sweaty running around.

Finally, Friday rolled around it was a warm and sunny day out side, one thing I still hadn't gotten use to about America is how much warmer it than England, the day dragged on I had history again today were my teacher, who I found out was the farther of Stiles's friend Kira was very impressed with my general knowledge and was pleased at how well I was getting.

Science, maths or 'math' as the Americans call it, was boring as I have zero interest in the subject and I had come aware that I hadn't actually made any proper friends this week. Trotting over to my locker after the last bell of the day I spot Stiles, he's fiddling with something in his hand before finally drops it onto the floor, I quicken my pace and I hear stiles curse under his breath.

'Language Stilinski' I laughed bending down to help him retrieve his fallen items. He looked almost startled to see me and stood up quickly dropping a small bottle again, laughing at his clumsiness I picked it up staring for a moment before Stiles snatched it out of my hands, 'what are they?' I asked him, as he hid the bottle in his pocket, it was a stupid question really I knew what there were but I almost wanted a reason why.

'It's nothing' he snapped, shoving a load of books into his locker before slamming it and storming away. A rush of anger flushed through my veins, how dare he storm off, how dare he talk to me like that... i had simply asked a question, he didn't have to be so rude...

'Lena... your eyes... are you okay??'

I was swiftly snapped out of my rage by Scott's worried voice,

'oh yeh, there's just something in it' I stuttered, rubbing my eyes smiling.

Oh god. How could i let this happen I lost control in a public place, in front of someone who was already suspicious of me.

'Oh yeh they were really red and like veiny, anyway I saw what just happened with Stiles and I just wanted to let you know it's nothing personal, he's been through a lot and gets annoyed sometimes'

'Oh, thank god I thought I did something really had' I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


Pinks and oranges ribboned the sky as the sun slowly began to set, people would be arriving soon and everything had to be perfect. The whole point of this party was to see who was under the influence of vervain and make sure the town had little to no other supernatural inhabitants.

Of course I already know that the Martin girl is a banchee but she was something easily disposed of, she was human and therefore easily killed and the cover up wouldn't be to hard.

Clearing my mind of the fun ways I could go about doing such a task I make my way down to my basement, my new American house was much larger than the one I had back in England, this house had three floors and five bedrooms. Of course I didn't need all the rooms but I was trying to apear as though I lived with my parents so I had made up one of the rooms to look like a cute, parent like bedroom.

Making my way down the stairs into the dark basement I was greeted with a flash of cold air along with the smell of what I craved most.

I know I shouldn't but I couldn't afford seem off at this party, I had serious stuff to do and I had to make some kind of friends, just a small bit wasn't going to hurt anyone and it would help in the large crowd.

I found my self at the large fridge pulling open the door to revel 3 cold blood bags i had gotten from the hospital when I first came to beacon hills, just one wasn't going to throw me over the edge, I can control myself. I'm a very old vampire after all.

Ding ding ding

Shit. People were here already. Swiftly I made my way over to the stairs, rushing up them. Locking the door behind me,I mentally hit myself, I'd said only one blood bag and before the door bell had rung I was thinking about downing the third one, maybe this party wasn't a good idea after all, it's possible it will turn into a blood bath.

'Heyyy, Lena! It's great to see you, your house is... well it's amazing' stiles voice took over my thoughts as I opened the door to a small crowd of people all beautifully dressed and cars in the distance pulling onto my drive way.

'Oh thanks, come in, I've got drinks snacks and music' I smile allowing people to rush past me, 'the basement is locked and there's a sign on my parents and my own room but you're free to explore anywhere else'

'Where are your parents tonight' stiles asked as we slowly walked into the kitchen,

'Oh, well they go on long business trips so they are rarely around' I lie, truthfully I don't have parents anymore, they had died years and years ago but I couldn't allow anyone to know that.

'Sweet, so you have this place all to yourself' Scott said coming up behind us, stiles shot him a look, likely because of the face I pulled at his arrival.

How had he heard what we were taking about, we had been practically whispering.


'Scott? Glad you could make it' I stood forward so we was only inches from each other I could feel the heat radiation off his skin and his sent was strong and after only a few seconds my thoughts had been confirmed.

A werewolf.

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