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Lena and Scott where pretty close, it wasn't to weird as the music was very load and they were probably just trying to hear each other but something was off. She took a swift step back, the colour draining from her face, this isn't going to be good at all.

'What are you?' she asked almost as if she was possessed

'Sorry what?' Scott was obviously startled at the question just as much as I was, how could she know, if she knows anything that is? 'I don't think I understand what your trying to say?' He stuttered, looking at me for help, however before I could say anything Lena was gone.

How has this happened again she just keeps disappearing

'God why does she keep doing that' I turned to Scott who was at a lose for words.

'Does she know' he finally spoke,

' I don't think so, but she knows somethings up. I mean you did show that you could hear the conversation we were having, you probably freaked her out'

'You're right, plus it's a party and she's probably slightly drunk' Scott nodded, 'make sure the rest of the pack keeps an eye on her tonight tho'

'Good idea' I agreed before leaving to go find the others.

After informing the others about the weird in counter with Lena I decided to take a look around her house, it was a huge place and was bound to give me some indication about this mysterious girl. Gorgeous spiral stairs greeted you in the hallway which was a huge room with a light blue marble floor, grey walls and various different decorations peppering the shelves.

The kitchen was just as Beautiful with a large island table in the middle of the tiled floors which lead to the biggest living room I had seen in my whole life, the British really knew how to do it.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a door in the living room tucked behind an L shaped couch, that must be the basement she had mentioned. Weaving through the herd of drunk teenagers, I made my way over to the door before attempting to open it, i know Lena said not to but why.

'That room is locked for a reason Stilinski' I felt a cool hand grip hold of me, as I looked up to see an obviously tipsy Lena.

'Can I help you?' she smiled letting go of me.

'Sorry, I was just curious' I laughed trying to not seem suspicious,

'Well go be curious somewhere else, the basement is off limits' she glared at me before strutting off.

Why did I find that so hot? God I need to focus, where's Scott?

Unfortunately I had not found Scott despite wondering around for the last fifth-teen minutes, I had however found Theo and Liam getting it on in the kitchen. Like I understand they are in love but is the groping really necessary in a public place,

'get a room!' I yelled at them before heading upstairs to wash my eyes out.

The bathroom wasn't hard to find, there where six doors upstairs, two of which has signs on claiming to be Lena and her parents room and to keep out. I opened the doors to the first room I came across the revel a large bathroom with a glass bath, walk in showers and Lena who was leaning over the sink seemingly rinsing her face.

She looked up at me completely un-startled almost as if she had know I was coming,

'you again, still putting your nose into things that don't concern you?' Her accent was thick when she was angry.

'Haha, no' I gave her a nervous laugh, 'I just needed a quick break from down stairs'

'Yes, as did I, I'm suddenly aware how this must look' she stood up straight, 'I'm not drunk I just don't do well with large groups of people'

'Well why did you decided to throw a party then' I asked realising how rude that must have sounded, this is why I'm single.

'I was just trying to make a good impression, god, what's with the constant interrogation?' Lena huffed obviously annoyed.

Suddenly, her breathing sped up and her eyes flashed red almost like a demon, what was going on, a wave of panic and confusion coursed through me. I knew something was up, but what was she? I had to get out of here. Spinning around I reached for the door but she was there, quickly slamming it shut.

'What the hell are you' I yelled.

Lava was pulsing through my veins, my whole body was heating up, not again.

'What the hell are you?' Stiles yelled as I backed him up agains the bathroom door.

'Shut the fuck up. Just shut up' I yelled back staring into his eyes, he went silent.

Okay so he's not on vervain and he's not supernatural, good to know. I stared into his eyes opening his mind,

'stiles, you're gonna leave this room with no memory of what just happened, you came up stairs to get away from the party and saw me in here, you apologised for snooping and then you left, yes?'

Mind compulsion is one of the many highlights of being a vampire and useful when I didn't want to kill someone.

'Before you you leave tell me, who else here is supernatural.' I asked him again, I didn't know when I'd next get the chance and considering this friendship with Lydia and Scott I assume he knows, I can tell stiles is just human but I sense a dark ora around him.

'Scott and Liam are werewolf's, malia is a were-coyote as is Theo but he is a different type called a chimera, Lydia is a banchee and Kira is a kitsune' he spoke emotionlessly.

God this town is crowded, out of all the towns in America i end up here.

'Good, now leave' I pushed him out of the bathroom.

Later in that night, after the majority of people had left i had compelled a few students to stay and clear up my house for me.

Why do it myself when I can control other people?

Laying in bed I thought about my next move, I know it's dangerous here considering the large supernatural population but there was something about beacon hills that just made me what to stay.

Perhaps this would be fun, messing with young wolves is always fun and as for stiles, well he is just to cute to not have some fun with, maybe I'd even do him the honour of saving him from his current fragile human state.

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