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The jeep was cold with an even colder atmosphere. Stiles hadn't spoken a word to me the whole ride, his eyes had been fixed on the road and he was gripping the weal so hard that this knuckles where turning white.

Finally we pulled into my drive way, the thought of running away swept through my mind but I swiftly dismissed it.

Running away wouldn't do me any good, I have to be here and the only way to do that is to play along with this strange little pack for a while.

Unexpectedly, Stiles was the first to break the silence,

"Get out then" he swung open his side door and began marching up my drive towards the doors.

Not wanting to annoy him anymore I quickly followed.

When I reached him standing in front of the door, he nodded to me to open it. I did so and to his surprise it wasn't locked.

"I'm a vampire stiles nothing in here means anything it me why would I lock the door every time I go out?" I saw with a smile.

For a moment I thought he was going to saw anything but he just nods again and heads inside.

"Uh sorry for the mess, things have been... well you know"

"Okay go get what you need and come straight back down" he growls ignoring me trying to be nice.

I looked straight at him before rolling my eyes eyes and spinning round to go out stairs.

Suddenly there's a hand on my shoulder.

How did I not sense that?

"What have I said about the eyes?"

So my bad. Totally forgot I was writing this but um here we are 😅

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