Words bby

329 13 2

***** SHORT CHAPTER*****

Silence dominated the room for a few minutes, no one knowing quite what to say including myself.

Lena was lent up against the back wall playing with her hair with a mocking smirk on her face, I could only imagine how much she was enjoying this. For once Theo's mouth was shut and even he seems taken back but the vampires story but also seemed sympathetic which was mostly surprising to me also looking around the room I can see that the wolves have all loosened up leading me to assume it's a wolf thing to want to help each other. Finally the silence was broken,

'So what are you gonna do with me? Kill me? Leave me? Hurt me?' Lena sniggered,

'We could help you' Scott answered capturing everyone attention, 'you could I don't know maybe join the pack the-'

'Woah woah woah, Scott think about this, she's a vampire werewolf witch thing that a coven of powerful witches want and your just gonna invite her into the pack without considering what could happen?'  I cut in marching towards him,

'Says the one who was just making out with her' Liam remarks

'WHAT!' Lydia and Theo exclaim, Lydia shocked and Theo smirking,

'Woah Stilinski, go on' he laughs. Slowly I pier over to Lena, much to my surprise, had a huge smirk on her face whilst listening to the pack.

'What are u smiling at then?' I question her annoyance lacing hey voice. She turns her head up to face me,

'nothing Stilinski, just enjoy the rate of your heart right now' the whole pack sniggered and I banged my hand down hard on a table shutting them up.

'I'm sorry baby but we can all hear it. If you want to fuck me all you have to do is ask' she taunts as the anger inside of me begins to rage.

Without thinking I storm over to her taking her wrist in my hand but she try's to resist, 'save it, you're to weak to over power me right now' I growl before dragging her unwilling across the room towards the door, 'just give us a moment, don't worry I'll bring her back alive' I turn to the back before yanking her out the door.

Harshly i throw her into a small room where she lands on a cluster on blankets and pillows. The room was small but cosy as it was a place that Scott and myself had made up for the pack, it had a pile of blankets and pillows in front of a boiler type thing that had fairly lights hanging from it. Colourful picture also covered the walls hiding the horrible metal underneath them, lastly a long wooden table was positioned at the back of the room filling the empty space.

I looked down at Lena who was on her knees on the pile of blankets with an annoyed expression on her face,

'What the fuck was that for, I know you're not gonna kill me so what is this' she glared at me but I ignored her trying to slow down my heart rate.

'Get undressed' I blurted turning around to lock the door,

'W-what' she stuttered, her face now looking at me in utter shock,

'You know what I want baby, you told me all I had to do is ask but now I'm just telling. Get undressed!' I mocked watching as her eyes lit up, lust consuming them.

Slowly she pulled her top over her shoulders never breaking eye contact with me and biting her bottom lip.

Slowly I stalk towards her pulling my own shirt over my shoulders and kneeling down to face her. Pushing her down to lay back I hover over her with my arms either side of her head,

'is this what you want?' I whisper I'm her ear, all she does is nod,

'words baby' I growl.

'Yes.. please' she whimpers.

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