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I heard the door slam behind him.

He wouldn't tell Scott he's the good guy, he wouldn't risk my life like that even if he had had a short glance into my past. Emotionally and physically drained, I made the decision to just go to bed, my cravings had calmed down and I just had no energy to sort myself out right now.

Stiles had read through my private diaries, I had no idea what he did or didn't know, what he thought about it all. Obviously he wasn't a huge fan of the village mass murders but what had he thought about the witches and other supernatural creatures I had crossed paths with, had he even read those parts?

Did he know I was part werewolf?

Trying to calm down the tornado of thoughts going through my head I just climbed myself back into bed pulling my covers up off the floor where stiles had thrown them, I assume trying to save them from blood stains.

God he can be so thoughtful and smart. Closing my eyes i tried to think of how I was going to approach stiles tomorrow, I had to make sure he wasn't going to tell Scott or anyone in the pack and I needed to thoroughly explain to him everything in my past so that he understood that I wasn't as terrible and evil as I seemed in that folder.


Scorching, burning sensations covered my hand and I was shocked awake yanking my harm to my chest in pain.

The sun.

Oh fuck.

Angrily I brought my hand up in front of me only to see that my daylight ring was gone, Stiles.

My daylight ring was the only thing that allowed me to go out into the sunlight turning into a burning pile of ashes, without it I was a prisoner to the shadows. Furiously, I raced down stairs, still aching in pain from the lack of blood in my system, I grabbed my phone and rang Stiles number, it went straight to voice mail so I decided to text him.

- Stiles you wanker answer the phone

- I need my ring back

- Ik you have it

- Don't ignore me you twat 

Much to my annoyance i received no reply not even after thirty minutes or my nineteen calls, just as I was about to give up Scott McCalls name popped up on my phone, oh shit.

I took in a deep breath and answered the phone waiting for Scott's voice,

'Lena' he finally said.

I started to pace my living room, as I did so I accidentally walked in front of the window and was greeted by a swift burning slap all over my skin and I whelped in pain yanking myself back into the shade.

'You good?' Scott's voice came again, he genuinely sounded concerned.

'No im not fine oh Mr Alfa werewolf, your skinny little friend took something from me and I need it back now' I begun ' if it's not returned to be my dark I'm going to suck dry everyone in this town, starting with your precious pack'

'What's so important about this ring?' Scott questioned

'Uh how did you know it's a ring?' Oh god Stiles told!

'I'm sure you can work it out and unless you tell us what's important about this ring youll never see it again' he threatened, I couldn't believe what was happening, a seventeen year old werewolf was actually threatening me and honestly I was worried.

'I-it's my daylight ring, it allows me to walk around in the sunlight without burning to death. Can you bring it over now?' I said frustrated 'I'm hungry and I need to hunt'

'Yehhhh, we can't allow you out into the town right now to feed on some innocent human so I think I'll hold onto this a little longer' Stiles voice was now coming down the phone, I smiled at his smug tone, I could imagine the look on his face  right now.

'Awhh, come on Stilinski do you really wanna play this game? I will win.' Silence.

'You can't go around killing people it's not right' Scott's voice was begging to annoy me,

'For the record I wasn't gonna hunt humans, I meant animals like dears so don't get your knickers in a twist'  I could hear Stiles begin a retaliation but he was suddenly interrupted by the familiar voice of Lydia Martin.

'Come to Scott's house at dark, we will talk then' and then the phone went blank.

Agonising pain filled my body, my thirst for blood was growing by the minute, the sun was taking its time to leave, mocking me as in hung in the sky, dragging out the day.

I had cleared up the majority of the blood from my house, some parts I could not reach due to the sun that was shinning through every window.

Ten long hours had gone since Scott's phone call and after all the work cleaning I had done today I finally pulled myself into the comfort of my shower, turning the heat up to warm my body and smooth my aching limbs. Drops of red water fell off my body, turning the tray water into a sea of blood.

Sadly I watched as the colour got darker and darker, never clearing to it beautiful transparent colour, they had found my weaknesses and now I was venerable. They were aware that vervain could hold me down, blood was my ultimate downfall and that I was a slave to the sun.

Catastrophic amounts of things could go wrong tonight, Scott was a true Alpha and had an very powerful that I knew could kill me if they really wanted to. 

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