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Walking back into the pack a smirk plastered my face as I watched Lena avoided eye contact with anyone, embarrassment evident in her eyes.

Disbelief was written all over Scott's face along with disapproval but I knew he wouldn't dare say a thing about it. Theo and Liam were in the corner together trying to hold in their laughter whilst Malia and Lydia just exchanged worried looks.

Cautiously Scott moved towards Lena, who's head was bowed to the floor, he reached into the back pocket of his jeans producing what seemed to be a blood bag from the hospital.

'My mum,  she works at Beacon Hills hospital I can get you as much blood as you need without hurting anyone' he said handing it to Lena who's eyes were now glued on the bag.

Awkwardly, she took a step back shaking her head and hiding herself behind me gripping my shirt.

'What's wrong? Can't you drink it like this?' Scott questioned, I could feel Lena's grip tighten.

'N-no I can it's just umm, I've not got it under complete control right now. If I drink this it could send me off the deep end and I'll end up hurting one of you' she barley whispered.

'Well you seemed to have it under control earlier when you and Stilinski were getting it on' Theo remarked before receiving a warning hiss from Lena.

I turned around and carefully took her wrists in my hands looking into her eyes.

'You need blood to survive just take it and we can work it out as we go along' i could see that her skin was already become more pale and her eyes weren't as full of life.

'Stiles, I can't drink human blood' she said before taking a short pause obviously noticing I cringed slightly at the idea of drinking blood, 'but animal blood, it helps me to control it and slightly weakens me.'

'Animals? Like any kind?' This was the best news today, not only was there a way to stop her from murdering people but it would also weaken her and help her get back in control allowing the pack to either help her or contain her.

'Yes any kind.. even wolf' she said pulling out of my grip and making threatening eyes to Theo.

'Alright, alright.. animal blood, we can do that and preferably not a werewolf' Scott put the blood bag on the table before placing himself between Lena and Theo, 'Theo.. the ring' he said holding out a hand.

I watched as Lena's eyes practically lit up with joy at the words.

Hesitantly, Theo pulled out a small ring before smacking down on Scott's hand and rolling his eyes.

'Lena, if I give you this you promise that you won't hurt anyone and will not do anything without alerting us first' The girl looked at me as if waiting for my input but quickly turned her attention to Scott and nodded.

'Yeh of coarse, just as long as there aren't a million stakes knocking about everywhere I go' she smiled and Scott handed her the ring.

Happily, Lena slid the back and red ring onto her finger. This was the first time I was seeing the ring without it being completely covered in blood, it was a small thing with a black frame that twisted round into a ruby red stone and decorated with a number of smaller white diamonds

. 'Thank you' she smiled again and I sensed that the ring meant more to her than just allowing her to go out in the sun.

Loudly, Theo banged his hands onto the table,

'you're really gonna just let her walk out of her alone to go back to her creepy house and do god knows what' he bellowed anger clear I'm his voice.

He was never a very trusting person. Liam tried to soothe him by putting a hand on his shoulder but he promptly shook it off.

'Scott you can't just leave her alone the whole time!' Scott thought about it for a while as Lena stood still in the room, I could feel her stare on me but I refused to look back at her, instead I focused my eyes on the Alpha and waited for his opinion.

'You're right, as much as I'd like to, there's no proof that we can 100% trust you' his eyes fixed on Lena full of sympathy. 'We need to know where you are and what you're doing all the time'.

'How exactly do you think you're gonna do that ?' Lena fired anger lacing her words.

'We could keep her here Scott, our original plan' Theo hammered.

Anger was now making its way through my veins, why does he have such a thing against Lena she's done nothing to him. He's just an ass.

'She could stay with me' my lips moved quicker then my brain, 'uhh she could stay at mine' I repeated, mainly for my own benefit so that I could process what I just said.

'Stiles it's to dangerous' Scott argued his eyes wide, 'I'm the Alpha she'll stay with me'

'Stiles?' Lena looked at me with a croaky voice

'What's the matter baby?' I asked watching her getting flustered by the use of baby.

'I wanna stay with you'

'Good then it's settled, Lena can stay with stiles and he can keep her out of trouble' Lydia stood up, it was clear she was tired of the bickering. 'I can see she trusts him the most and I don't think she will hurt him'

'Lydias right. Maybe this is the best idea... okay that's that then' Scott agreed receiving a tut from Theo as he stored out of the room.

The little pink haired girl looked into my eyes, a small smile trying to make its way onto her lips.
This is gonna be interesting.

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