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It's ten past five as I pull into Scott's drive and I notice stiles jeep and three other cars that i identify to be Lydias and Theo's but I am unsure as it the other one and I know it doesn't belong to Malia or Liam as nether of them can drive.

Carefully, I park my car before getting out and making my way over to the door, I'm wearing black shorts paired with my fishnet tights and my off black ac/dc tshirt. After 2 firm knocks on the door Scott swings it open and I am met with a his familiar warm smile as he gestures for me to come inside.

'Lena! I'm so glad you could make it!' he leads me into a living room where I see, Stiles, Kira, Malia, Lydia, Theo, Liam and then a short bold man that I'd never seen before.

'Oh right yes, this is Dr, Deton, my boss and friend' Scott picks up on my confusion, 'he's cool you don't need to worry, he's not as old as he looks'

'Ohh nah totally get it' I laugh taking a seat next to stiles, as I do so I notice his heart starts to speed up a little, Theo smiles at him and I just assume it's cuz I'm a girl.

'Can I get you a drink? A soda maybe?' Scott asks me,
'What is soda again?' I feel so stupid but I'm sure it's just an American thing,

'Oh you know like Coca-Cola or something like that, you don't have that in England' Kira chirps in looking at me confused as she stands up and walks over to Scott.

"Oh yeh we have coke we just don't call it soda' i laugh 'but that would be great thanks', everyone let's out a small amount of laughter as Scott leaves the room before then returning with a glass of cold coke and passing it to me.

I take a sip and let the cool liquid flow down my throat, I almost feel like it burns a little but I shrug it for as it's probably just sudden change in temperature.

About thirty minutes go past, in that time we had spoken a lot about school and how I was enjoying American. I made a few jokes about their language and accent causing them all to laugh, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that I was actually enjoying myself hanging out with these people. Until I began to feel a strange sensation in my body, almost like my joints were turning into sand paper and everything ached, my head suddenly began to spin and I knew what was wrong.

I turned to Stiles and smiled through my pain,

'could you show me where the bathroom is please?' I smiled.

He looked reluctant at first but his face then softened and he stood up walking towards to stairs. I to got up to follow him but as I did so my whole body screamed out in agony and I could feel myself almost collapse,

'are you okay?' Stiles questioned taking my hand steadying me, the whole room was now spinning and I knew I needed blood to take away the pain.

Feeling like the control over my body was slipping out of my grip I tried hard to resist the urge to vamp out on everyone, I just needed to get stiles out of here and I could feed on him and then heal him up.

'Yeh of course I'm totally fine' i breath and continue to follow stiles up the stairs. Reaching the top of the stairs he points to a door and says 'that's the bathro-'

but I can't control myself anymore, I push him up agains the wall staring into his big brown eyes,

'Don't scream' I say before I feel my eyes flare up and my fangs appear in my mouth, i bite into stiles neck tasting his blood in my mouth soothing my pain until the burning sensation returns  and I pull away falling to the floor, black blotched fill my vision.

'Scott, Scott quickly now' I hear Stiles shout out, before I slowly begin to loose my sense of awareness before everything just fades away.


'No idiot she's not dead' I hear as I begin to open my eyes, it's now completely dark outside and I am sitting on the sofa with everyone else on the other side of the room.

'Oh shit she's awake' I hear Theo say as a smirk appears on his face, I flare my eyes again trying to launch myself at him but I am hit with the awareness that my whole body is completely paralysed.

'Yeh that's not gonna work baby' his smirk grows.

'What the fuck have you done to me!' I demanded, scanning the room for Scott before making eye contact this him and his boss.

'It's kanama venom, it paralyse your whole body from the neck down' he explains coming closer to me and kneeling down.

As I try to move I can still feel the effect of the vervain in my system, 'bloody hell, how much vervain did you use?' I asked as stiles comes down next to Scott looking me dead in the eye, a patch is on his neck.

'We wasn't sure if it would really work,  it's not like it's every day we come across a murderous fucking vampire!' He spits, 'I mean you literally just tried to drink my blood, do you realise how messed up that is' he's almost shouting now, I can tell he's getting pretty worked up.

'Careful stiles... your void is showing' I smirk and his face drops along with the rest of the packs,

'that's right, thanks to Stiles I know everything about you lot. I'll admit this is the weirdest pack I have ever come across I mean there a lot of diversity here' all of a sudden I feel a fist collide with the side of my face and my eyes automatically flare up again and I feel my fangs form.

'That's for stiles' Malia snarls at me, before Liam and Theo grab her wrists and lead her out of the room.

'For the record I can heal that Stiles, just drink my blood and it will completely heal up' I say looking over to him, his eyes widening and looking up at Dr Deton.

'What's the catch' Scott glare at me with suspicion,

'You just let me go and u can have it' i smile innocently from Scott to stiles. Surprisingly, Stiles begins to laugh and he stands up getting extremely close to me, I can now feel his warm, minty breath on my face and he just smiles at me.

'Well actually, we don't need to do anything for you' he chuckles 'remember your the one that can't move right now and we don't have a shortage of vervain or kanima venom so I think we'll just be taking your blood thank you very much' he walks out the room before returning moments later with a knife in his hand, i see was Scott's eyes widen and I can tell he is as surprised as I am.

Deton has now left the room along with everyone else and it's just, Scott, stiles and me left in the living room.

Slowly, Stiles gets closer to me again kneeling down by my legs and stretching out my arm, I know what's coming.

Stiles's face turns from a serious angry look to a taken back concerned one before he looks up at me,

'w-what the hell are these' his voice is shaky.

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