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One of the worst things a person can feel in my opinion, it the uncertainty that gets me. Can I trust them? Are they good? Are they bad? They seem damaged and scared but they have done terrible thing, does that make them evil or just broken?

Lena would be here soon and she was going to be furious, unpredictable, that's what scared me the most about her.

Emotions seems to be something Lena struggled with, I had witnessed first hand how quickly they could change and how much more heighten they seemed to be, this could be a huge problem.

Tonight, the pack has a plan on how to contain Lena until we can come up with a suitable way of dealing with her, most of the pack wants to kill her and be done with it but Scott, Kira and Lydia don't think that killing her is necessary and honestly I'm completely torn between what I think we should do.

The plan is to draw her here using her daylight ring and then vervain her so that she passes out, we can't have her see the ways around the tunnels under the town. Once we take her there we are going to chain her to one of the Argents electric walls and leave her their until we come up with a better plan.

Scott and Kira shuffled down the stairs to where me, Malia, Lydia, Theo, Liam and the hell hound Parrish was waiting in the living room, we had called him to help as he was basically immortal himself therefore very powerful.

As they walked down to us I noticed that their clothes were slightly creased and Scott's hair was all over the place, the wolves in the room started sniggering as I worked out what had happened slapping my hand onto my for head,

'my god' I whispered under my breath, 'have you got them? I asked, slightly annoyed I was not the one currently getting laid.

'Yeh, seven wooden stakes' Scott nodded rushing across the room and grabbing a bag from behind the couch, we watched as he unzipped it revelling a number of dagger shaped peace's of wood.

Excitedly, Theo raced over to Scott and grabbed the daggers and started throwing one of them to each of us,

'you're a little to enthusiastic about this Theo, got a weird death kink or something' I remarked but he just growled at me as if I wasn't aware I was in a room full of deadly supernaturals.

Gripping the dagger in my hand I imagined what it would feel like to actually kill Lena, have the power to do that, a part of me carved that but I pushed it down knowing it was just the dark spirits parting gift that made me feel this way.

Like clock work all the wolves went silent, Scott help his finger up to his lips, shushing us before pointing to the door,

she was here.


The door swung open with such a force I thought it was gonna come off it's hinges and Lena flew into the room.

'So... where the hell is it? Huh' her accent was thick and I knew this meant she was mad.

'We want you to answer some questions first actually' confidently Lydia stepped forward flicking her long red hair.

'Well you're the psychic one, can't you answer the questions little banchee?' Lena smirked,
Looking up in mine and Parrishs direction, 'oh my god, you've got to be shitting me. You have a hell hound as well?'

'What.. how did you know?' Parrish asked curiously,

'Well we are both dead aren't we, you don't feel that?' she strutted further into the room and I could see that the pack was taken back by her hell hound knowledge.

'Why are you in town?' Scott finally broke the tension,

'None of your business bitch. Looked I've tried to be nice...' The white in Lenas eyes turned to a deep red, covering any signs of white and her fangs can evident in her mouth, 'where the bloody hell is my rin-' she fell to the ground a needle in her side.

'Quite enough of that' a grinning Theo stood there, looking very proud of himself,

'Yes thank you for that dumbass' I shook my head, 'we still had questions'

'Oh she wasn't gonna answer them Stilinski' she picked the pink haired girls up and tossed her over his shoulder and he turned to look at Liam.

'Not jealous are you baby?' Liam instantly blushed hard his cheeks a bright red.

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